View Full Version : People think iam a Werido!? Please help

04-02-13, 17:53
Dont ya hate it when your trying to tell somone how ypur feeling and they more or less just say snap! Out of it my sister today really didnt get what I was trying to tell her!! I Really wish either way wtf is going on I have had a tightness in my throat and neck for 7 weeks now it's started after I got tonsilitus so doctor keeps saying it viral because he done a thyroid and tsh test and they came back normal Pretty much to cut a long story short here are my symptoms
Tight neck
Need to swallow a lot
Hair loss! Lots although I had a baby 23 weeks ago??
Increased appetite
Off balance
Panic attacks
Iam currently on pregablin 150 day they don't seem to be doing anything!?
Iam due to have upper jaw sugery on weds and really worried now about my throat! And if I will be ok on the anthesetic I dont know what the hell is going on with my body and to be honest sometimes just want this whole horrible experience over with!! :weep:

04-02-13, 18:49
People think i'm weird but its because I worry a lot. You could be losing hair from stress, which is extremely common. Anxiety and stress can cause dizziness and to cause tiredness and loss of appetite. If you have a fever, tell the surgeon before surgery or give him a call today or tomorrow (if you feel worse) to see if its okay to still have surgery.

04-02-13, 19:24
I don't have a fever atall ive been waiting 3 yrs for this op i in pain every day so abot more pain isnt hoing to bother me' just this awful tightness in my throat and neck? My symptoms are nearly the same as a thyroid disorder but surely that would of come up on the blood tests unless they have missed something?

04-02-13, 20:12
Do you know the actual values of the tsh and the t4? You can be within 'normal' range but certainly in this country we have a wider band of values that are considered normal, so whereas in the states or other countries on the continent you may be considered hypothyroid, you wouldn't be in this country. Try to find out your actual values from your dr, I can try to explain the values to you if you wish? Do you know much about thyroid disease?

04-02-13, 22:55
No I don't know the actual numbers should I go back and ask? He said oh your bloods was normal I also had pre op bloods done 2 weeks ago and they was fine no I don't knkw much about thyroid diease kinda
Hoping I dont need to??

05-02-13, 09:15
Hi I have managed to get my
Doctors to print off a copy of my bloods
It's says serum tsh 1.45miu/l (0.35-5
Also t4 level 13.5 pmoi/l (9-20) does this sound normal?
The only thing on there that says below range is my neutrophil count?

05-02-13, 09:21
TSH values (thyroid stimulating hormone) measure the levels in your blood of a particular hormone that is made by the pituitary gland in your brain to control your thyroid. The pituitary constantly samples the amount of t4 (actual thyroid hormone) in your blood and if it feels the thyroid isn't making enough it releases more TSH into your blood to stimulate the thyroid into cranking up it's production of T4.

In this country a normal TSH level can fall anywhere between 0.3 (not much TSH so pituitary clearly not feeling it needs to stimulate the thyroid much at all, if it did you may manufacture too much T4) and 5 (quite a lot of stimulating hormone so for some reason the pituitary is sensing it needs to sout a bit at the thyroid to tell it to make more t4).

In addition to this there are your actual t4 levels which are part of this chemical relationship. Normal values are between 9 and 23. 9 meaning you are at the lower end, not as much thyroid hormone and obviously 23 being quite a lot.

So my point is, you could have normal values for this country, for example your stimulating hormone could be 5 (top end of normal range) and your actual level of thyroid hormone could be 9 (bottom end of normal range) but an endocrinologist could look at that and deduce that your pituitary gland was having to shout quite loudly at your thyroid for not much of a result.

Add to this that in the states and many countries on the continent, those readings above would get you a diagnosis of hypothyroidism as they have decided that TSH values of above 3 are not normal and the pituitary is having to use too much stimulating hormone in that scenario.

My endo likes my TSH to be around 1.

Having given you this basic chemistry lesson :D I would add that hypothyroidism is eminently treatable, millions have it, you shouldn't worry about it because you probably don't have it but even if you did it is so common and not something to panic about.

---------- Post added at 09:21 ---------- Previous post was at 09:15 ----------

TSH of just over 1 and is giving you 13 for your actual thyroid amount (t4) that sounds great, your pituitary is only whispering to your thyroid and getting a nice amount of thyroid hormone for its efforts!! :D I would love those readings naturally!!!:D

As for neutrophil not sure what they are, I would talk to gp about that :)

05-02-13, 09:37
Ok thanks so basically those levels are ok?

05-02-13, 10:13
I have no medical expertise but i did want to say that I suffered from the symptoms you are describing - tight neck and throat, for a number of years.

It was just anxiety related. It's very common and you're NOT a weirdo. Sometimes it makes you think you have a lump in your throat or you can't swallow, sometimes it makes you want to swallow a lot or clear your throat constantly. It's called 'Globus Hystericus' - not pleasant and a bit scary but completely harmless. Good luck with your op :)

05-02-13, 10:18
Staffiegirl those levels are fab :D

05-02-13, 10:27
Thanks for your reply pidgeon iam glad that's a good reading yes I have heard about the globus I did mention it to my mental health worker who had never heard of it! You would of thought she might of done!

05-02-13, 10:35
There's a link on here about it. Should give you some reassurance. xxxxx

05-02-13, 10:52
Cool thanks x

---------- Post added at 10:52 ---------- Previous post was at 10:41 ----------

Just quick if u don't mind? I get it all say even when iam relaxed the only odd time when I get totally drunk I dont get it?

05-02-13, 11:19
I don't think it really has a pattern - just a life of it's own. It can happen when you're relaxed and chiled and not happen when you're stressed. It's to do with the muscles in your neck and throat tightening without you realising. It even affected my tongue at one point. If you look at some of my earlier posts, you'll see I got so panicky i thought I had cancer of oesophagus at one bit - i was so scared. I found the best tactic was jut to accept it was a smprtom of stress and it couldn't harm me. I got confirmation fromm GP and felt much better. It's really not surprising you have this as you have had a lot of stress - new baby, hormones all over the place and op coming up.

Look after yourslef and stop worrying:hugs: (easier said than done I know)

05-02-13, 18:07
Thanks again you have been a real help today x:D