View Full Version : Hit Rock Bottom

04-02-13, 19:08
I don't know what to do, depression has now sunk in after 7 months of health anxiety.

I feel low and alone and scared. Never thought i'd feel like this. Constantly worried, can barely leave the house now. Getting chest pains as we speak, don't know what to do.


wish i was rich, so i could solve these problems asap.

Don't know what to do. Feel so bad.

04-02-13, 19:25
Sorry to hear that you feel like this. It's understandable for health anxiety to lead to depression and many of us have had similar experiences. Am I right in remembering that you're a uni student? If so then you should find you have access to some great mental health services. They usually have free counselling and CBT and you should have doctors who are used to dealing with mental health issues. I would see what support is available to you and access it.

04-02-13, 19:37
I thought health anxiety was bad, now i feel low all day, don't feel like doing anything. It feels like its hit me all of a sudden and I'm so low, is this even possible/ i have this hungover effect, does anyone else have this? I literally saw an end to my problem, now i can't. I feel worse and worse.


04-02-13, 19:46

Believe me it will pass, I suffer the same now and again to the point you wonder if its all worth it anymore.

It comes and goes, the best thing to do is think all you have got and all you can offer, even if it on here with other people that suffer that is something to offer to others.

Of course if you need anyone to speak to you, you know where to come.


04-02-13, 19:59

Believe me it will pass, I suffer the same now and again to the point you wonder if its all worth it anymore.

It comes and goes, the best thing to do is think all you have got and all you can offer, even if it on here with other people that suffer that is something to offer to others.

Of course if you need anyone to speak to you, you know where to come.


Dude, you don't know how good that makes me feel. Thanks for replying to this topic. I seriously don't get it. I hope it passes, because I have never felt like this before. I thought something might have happened physically because of the "sudden onset of deep depression" where I don't feel like doing anything/dizzy and the hungover effect.

04-02-13, 20:11
I get the same thing honestly it's a nightmare, I'm currently going through the constant hangover stage as well its not great but giving up isn't an option.

04-02-13, 20:24
know how u feel i have had this feeling b4 and when i described the way i was feeling to my cbt guy he says it sounded like adrenalin fatigue which make sense i guess our adrenaline glands just take some time out hence the low mood sore muscle feeling

im taking vitamin b complex along with magnesium supplements it does help with these feelings so try that and see if it helps also try st johns ward that u canget in holland and barret i heard its really good for low mood

04-02-13, 20:34
know how u feel i have had this feeling b4 and when i described the way i was feeling to my cbt guy he says it sounded like adrenalin fatigue which make sense i guess our adrenaline glands just take some time out hence the low mood sore muscle feeling

im taking vitamin b complex along with magnesium supplements it does help with these feelings so try that and see if it helps also try st johns ward that u canget in holland and barret i heard its really good for low mood

Just read through it and it is definitely something I think might have happened after an extreme panic attack 4 days ago when all this began. I don't get it, i just don't feel like doing anything.

I always go through these weird stages, one day my jaw felt seized up for 4 days straight. I've started giving up more and more. Can't deal with this man.. seriously hope i wake up tomorrow and feel great.

TIRED ALL THE TIME. Are the adrenaline glands to do with your thyroid?


---------- Post added at 20:34 ---------- Previous post was at 20:34 ----------

I get the same thing honestly it's a nightmare, I'm currently going through the constant hangover stage as well its not great but giving up isn't an option.

How can you have that type of motivation and be optimistic. I have lost all faith. How long have you been dealing with this?

04-02-13, 20:38
I thought health anxiety was bad, now i feel low all day, don't feel like doing anything. It feels like its hit me all of a sudden and I'm so low, is this even possible/ i have this hungover effect, does anyone else have this? I literally saw an end to my problem, now i can't. I feel worse and worse.


I'm so sorry you're feeling this way. I had this happen very recently myself, hit rock bottom with uncontrollable weeping, just couldn't stop crying and after an hour when I finally did stop this really odd feeling of nothingness settled in. I didn't feel anxious anymore, just really heavy and worn out, and kind of empty like I'd cried myself out of feelings.

Yes it feels like a hangover in a weird way! And yes, it passes, but it takes a little work to pick yourself up and get going again.

If you feel you've hit rock bottom you have no where to go but up. I know it's hard, but you need to focus on pulling yourself out now.

I know how frustrating it feels to not have the money to afford the therapies you'd like to try, but there are actually lots of things you can do for free that will genuinely help you. Coming to this forum is one thing, it's a good step to take :)

Is there anyone you can call for a chat? You don't even need to tell them how you're feeling, but maybe just give a friend or family member a call to talk with them. It will help you feel better.

You also need to get moving, get out and walk for at least 20 mins a day - 20 is enough to give you an endorphin hit. If it's miserable out then maybe look up some free exercise videos on YouTube. Just get your body moving.

Make sure you eat.

Do some stress relief exercises, they will really help you. If you want me to recommend some things to do let me know, I don't want to bombard you if you know already the kinds of things that will help :)

04-02-13, 20:46
no adrenaline is a stress hormone so is corsitol i remember when i used to weigth train my instructor told me to keep away from stress as to much can wreck havoc on your body he wasnt wrong

im tired all day too tho i feel better after going on vitamin b and magnesium i do kniw that exercise is the best remedy but we are scared.to do so cos we have cardio anxiety

i think the best thing to do is eat healthy go on vitamins avoid drinking beer for the moment i find drinking beer makes my anxiety a million times worse and try light exercise such as walking

booking a sun holiday with ur mates might help lol something to look forward to

04-02-13, 21:18
I have been there too. I wasn't suicidal as much as I was afraid of becoming suicidal. I just want to tell you that it DOES pass. It is just another trick this nasty disorder plays on us. Just tell yourself over and over that it will pass and just get through each day being as kind to yourself as possible.

04-02-13, 23:28
I have been there too. I wasn't suicidal as much as I was afraid of becoming suicidal. I just want to tell you that it DOES pass. It is just another trick this nasty disorder plays on us. Just tell yourself over and over that it will pass and just get through each day being as kind to yourself as possible.

It's just another weird symptom which i've never experienced before that's why it was weird at first, like nothing, no emotion through my mind.

Thanks for the reply and for taking the time to reply. I will get through this, its difficult not to think its something physical when this type of stuff happens, i.e random sudden no emotion, tired state.

---------- Post added at 23:19 ---------- Previous post was at 23:16 ----------

no adrenaline is a stress hormone so is corsitol i remember when i used to weigth train my instructor told me to keep away from stress as to much can wreck havoc on your body he wasnt wrong

im tired all day too tho i feel better after going on vitamin b and magnesium i do kniw that exercise is the best remedy but we are scared.to do so cos we have cardio anxiety

i think the best thing to do is eat healthy go on vitamins avoid drinking beer for the moment i find drinking beer makes my anxiety a million times worse and try light exercise such as walking

booking a sun holiday with ur mates might help lol something to look forward to

Yeh you're right man. lets hope this weird adrenaline mode stops and puts my low mood back to normal. I am going to try my hardest to beat it. Sometimes find it difficult to find inner strength.

---------- Post added at 23:28 ---------- Previous post was at 23:19 ----------

I'm so sorry you're feeling this way. I had this happen very recently myself, hit rock bottom with uncontrollable weeping, just couldn't stop crying and after an hour when I finally did stop this really odd feeling of nothingness settled in. I didn't feel anxious anymore, just really heavy and worn out, and kind of empty like I'd cried myself out of feelings.

Yes it feels like a hangover in a weird way! And yes, it passes, but it takes a little work to pick yourself up and get going again.

If you feel you've hit rock bottom you have no where to go but up. I know it's hard, but you need to focus on pulling yourself out now.

I know how frustrating it feels to not have the money to afford the therapies you'd like to try, but there are actually lots of things you can do for free that will genuinely help you. Coming to this forum is one thing, it's a good step to take :)

Is there anyone you can call for a chat? You don't even need to tell them how you're feeling, but maybe just give a friend or family member a call to talk with them. It will help you feel better.

You also need to get moving, get out and walk for at least 20 mins a day - 20 is enough to give you an endorphin hit. If it's miserable out then maybe look up some free exercise videos on YouTube. Just get your body moving.

Make sure you eat.

Do some stress relief exercises, they will really help you. If you want me to recommend some things to do let me know, I don't want to bombard you if you know already the kinds of things that will help :)

Thanks for the reply, It's just really weird what i'm going through and this website is the only way to meet like-minded people that have suffered through the same thing.

I spoke with a psychiatrist she just chucked some pills at me, if this doesn't pass, I am going to have to start them, although i hate the idea of taking them.

We'l see. I always feel a bit better at night.

05-02-13, 10:32
Ive had the same thing at times, its not surprised we end up like this because being so focused and anxious all the time is KNACKERING!!! Im even stressed in my sleep, waking up sweating etc. Im like you and dont want to go on the drug route....literally forced myself to get moving today and start doing the cleaning etc, and guess what, starting to feel a bit better again. I know its not always easy to push yourself when youre feeling so crap.Im going for a walk in a bit as its sunny, that helps me sometimes
PS Im worse at night :)