View Full Version : Back to square one after months of being fine(ish)

04-02-13, 20:41
I've been coping with my health anxiety so well up until a month a go when I had the most rotten trapped wind and indigestion, causing heart flutters, palps and skipped beats. Since then I tried to pull back and push forward with the positive mind set I've had, but it's no good, I've gone down hill and now I feel like I'm in a far worse place than I've ever been.

I am now back to analysing every ache and pain, fearful of going to bed as I hate the quiet, so sure I might not wake up. Logically I know I'm okay physically, but I can't drag myself back up.

04-02-13, 21:04
That sounds like a pretty rough episode you went through, it's amazing how much your stomach can affect you! I've had the heart palps from my stomach too, it used to freak me out but not so much any more.

It sounds to me like that experience really freaked you out and you're finding it hard to come down from the stress now. That's ok, don't be too hard on yourself, we all have set backs. But you've been in a good place before, you can get there again, it just takes time, a little work and some kindness towards yourself.

Have you been using any stress reduction techniques to help you reduce the effect of the stress? I find that it's essential to do this as well as work on the positive mindset. It's very hard to be positive when your body is all stressed out, so your first steps should be towards relaxing again and reducing the toll this episode took on your body and mind.

Remind yourself to go slowly and be kind to yourself, you can work this out x

04-02-13, 21:10
Honeylove, your kind words made me cry; and your good advice is most appreciated. Thank you xxx

04-02-13, 21:11
I could have written this myself. I am also going through a very bad spell right now. I have horrible palpitations and a racing heart. It definitely somehow feels connected to my stomach. It is HORRIBLE. I have been dealing with anxiety for years and have mastered all sorts of symptoms, but it SOOOO hard to accept that the feelings we feel in our hearts are anxiety. I dont have any wise advice as I am right there with you. I have found claire weekes to be helpful. Sometimes it is also helpful to just know you are not alone.

04-02-13, 21:24
Ribbit - You're welcome, I hope that you find some peace again, it sounds to me like it's definitely achievable for you if you've been there before :)

ItWillPass - I replied to your other thread too, but I see here that you think your palps may be connected to your stomach and just thought I'd mention that it's very possible. This is exactly what happened to me, and yes it used to send me into a panic too! Maybe keep an eye on your palpitations, and if you feel they hit after you've had an upset stomach, eaten too much, or eaten acidic foods like tomatoes, pizza, sugary foods etc. then it might be time to talk to your doctor.

I had gastritis brought on by a h pylori infection, as well as an hiatal hernia, which gave me all kids of weird heart symptoms and it took a long time to figure out that they were connected to my stomach problems! They are easily treated and managed though, sometimes I still get palps or fast heart rates, but I know where them stem from and that my heart is ok so I don't worry anymore :) if you think you have a similar problem then keep a diary of what you eat and who you get those heart rates/palps and see if there's any connection.

04-02-13, 21:24
ItWillPass, it makes a really big difference knowing there are others going through the same. Whilst I hate the thought of others being in such a dark place too, I love knowing I am not alone. I hope you pull through soon too x

04-02-13, 21:32
Honeylove, did you take any meds to treat your stomach issue? My palpitations actually did start shortly after what I assumed was a stomach flu...

04-02-13, 22:02
That's interesting, I wonder if the flu may have upset your stomach, it could very well be a link. Might be good to talk to your doctor?

Yes I took a drug known as a PPI called omeprazole that stops your stomach producing acid. It really helps with gastritis and gives your stomach time to calm down and recover. I take it periodically if I get gastritis again, which can happen when I'm sick or really tends to happen when I'm stressed. It's a prescription drug though, so your doctor would have to diagnose gastritis to make sure it's necessary.

I also use antacids which often do the trick if it's just a bit of indigestion that's upsetting me, or if I've eaten too much! And I also take aloe Vera juice and manuka honey which are both very good for the stomach.

I did take an antibiotic for the h pylori infection, but unfortunately it didn't work. So I tried the manuka honey and it seems to have done the job! I have to go for a test in March to make sure that the infection is gone.

I find that since all that trouble my stomach is quite sensitive, so have to watch what I eat at times or I end up with gastritis again and that can mean a racing heart or palpitations. Because of the hernia I also sometimes simply get them from bending over or lying down flat.

Next time you're having palps and your stomach js upset maybe try taking an antacid to see if it will help? If you can take them that is.