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Silly Blonde
04-09-06, 16:05
As well as suffering stomach pain from ovulation onwards - I have noticed the past few months that I am getting period pain on day 4-5 of my period.

I only ever used to get pain on the first couple of days - but seem to have a final spurt (sorry!) and I get cramps again.

I am now worrying myself witless that this ain't normal.

Anyone else had similar problems????

SB xx

04-09-06, 16:42
i USED TO GET PAIN ON DAY 1+2 then I would be pain free for 2 days and then THE PAIN was so intense I used to pass out on days after that until the final day. NOTHING. Mid cycle on ovulation day - I could tell you the minute as the pain was so unbarable for about 10 mins. The Dr's told me to have children. I tried but nothing happened. But Yes Honey - you are normal.[^]

there's a place that I dream of when I sleep, so peaceful, so quite, I call it mother earth.

04-09-06, 17:16
My periods have changed since this anxiety thing kicked in. I'm gonna mention it to my GP when I see her tomorrow (about something else) coz it worries me just a little. Mine are just SOOOO painful now, the pain wakes me at night - I haven't been like this since I was a teenager.

I think maybe I am just more sensitive to pain these days, as lots of things that never used to seem too painful can be excrutiating now.

Very strange, and yet another thing to learn to deal with!


04-09-06, 19:12
Do you know this has happened to me this month...im on day 5 now and last night had a really heavy flow with large clots (sooooo sorry!!!) and cramping....but the point being my period is normally over by now..and its not normally heavy or with clots...i was worried last night and thought i was going to bleed to death!!!!!, my partner laughed at me...i dont know if its anxiety related or not........
something else to add to the long list no doubt...
take carex

04-09-06, 20:51

I made a similar post recently, and most of the responses suggested it may be related to IBS. Sorry not sure how this would work out exactly in what you are describing, but I wouldn't be surprised if it's something along those lines - you know, stress causing cramps.
I was worried about exactly the same thing cos I only got pains from the day before until beg. day 2, then last time they were til day 4. Yeah, I've been concerned about it and only feel better after reading your post now.
It may just be your body changing as you go through life, after all, we can't really expect to stay the same through life can we? Got to go through menopause at some point, my god am I dreading that!!

Take carexx

05-09-06, 11:44
Hi, don't know if this will help you, but I just got back from my GP and asked if there is a link between IBS and period pain, and she said there is (mine have got really painful lately!).

She also said that periods often get worse as you get older as your body pushes more lining out and it causes more cramps, so could be age related (in my case I mean, I'm 35, I don't know how old you are!). Great, all downhill from now on then!

Silly Blonde
05-09-06, 12:16
Thanks ladies - feel better knowing that I'm not the only one!!!

I guess things do get worse as we get older - and particularly since this horrible anxiety kicked in. Its just a combination of getting older (I'm 33) and worrying about and focusing on symptoms which normally would go unnoticed!

Thanks again

SB xx

05-09-06, 12:17

Yes, I am like you having pain on day 3,4,and 5, I put mine down to my age-45!!!!!!! So hoefully won't be too long before they disappear forever, lol!!!!!!!!!

Take care

Elaine x

Silly Blonde
05-09-06, 12:26
Tell me about it - I'm even contemplating having kids just so I get a relatively pain-free 9 months!!! Mind you - might just have to fall into the "too posh to push" category!!!!!

SB x