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View Full Version : Just awoken to not getting enough air!

05-02-13, 01:06
I've been asleep and I woke myself up becoz I wasn't getting enough air and was making a noise through my nose and dreaming at the same time. Still feeling like not enough air, been so long since I felt like this that I am positive it's not nerves! I nearly called ambulance, never done that before. I don't know what to do, I am shaking and sighing like mad. If it is anxiety why would I get it in my sleep? My nose is normally quite blocked anyway but it's not a problem to get air through usually if I'm not doing anything.

I know I should think it's anxiety but I can't, not when it's woken me up like that.

Live alone and feeling scared. I have a 'full' feeling in and around my tummy area like I've just eaten a big meal or something but I haven't.

Don't know what to do. Wish I was sure that it's anxiety but I think it's physical and am really scared.

I could call a doctor I suppose, don't know what to do.

I keep burping and feel quite sick, don't know if that is nerves or part of this 'full' feeling that I have. Keep needing the loo as well.

Am thinking logically about what it could be if not anxiety. What would cause me to not be able to get proper air in if not anxiety?

Am frightened to say the least, am so tired too.

05-02-13, 01:15
I get this at night but I think I have sleep apnea as I am overweight.

Sounds like you could have acid reflux as well.

Try sleeping sitting up a bit to see if that helps

05-02-13, 01:29
I get this at night but I think I have sleep apnea as I am overweight.

Sounds like you could have acid reflux as well.

Try sleeping sitting up a bit to see if that helps

Thanks for replying Nic. Isn't sleep apnea where you stop breathing? I haven't done that I just can't get enough air.

I didn't know what acid felux was so I just looked it up, I suppose it could be that, time will tell!

I am overweight too since giving up smoking. Can't even think about getting back into bed while I'm feeling like this.

05-02-13, 01:34
Well I wake up gasping for breathe so not sure if I am not getting enough air or I am stopping breathing. I know I had sleep apnea when I was in hospital but they never followed up on it and I still get whatever it is now at times.

See how you feel tomorrow (well today now) with the burping etc but when I get indigestion etc I have to sleep propped up in bed.

I hope you feel better anyway.

05-02-13, 12:13
I get that feeling sometimes too, it's usually a result of my acid reflux! My doctor says that the acid coming up, most often at night, can irritate your lungs and make it seem like it's harder to breathe. It often makes me feel like I'm not taking I'm enough air even though I'm breathing normally, and it can also make me feel lightheaded. It usually happens when my stomach is acting up, so I'll just watch what I eat for a few days and take some Aloe Vera & manuka honey to help my stomach chill out again :)

If it is acid reflux for you then there's a few things you can do to help it out. Don't lie flat when you sleep, make sure your head and upper body/shoulders are well supported on pillows so that the acid can't come up your throat. Don't lie down straight away after eating, or eat too close to bed time. You'll also want to make sure you don't over eat so that your stomach is too full, and try avoiding to foods that create extra acid (like tomatoes or fatty foods).

The burping, upset stomach and feeling full and nautious also happens to me, along with the breathing problems. It's simply from gastritis which is basically inflammation in your stomach, but you'll need a doctor to diagnose that for you if it is your problem. You can help yourself by drinking plenty of water, using antacids, getting in some gentle exercise, not eating acidic foods/caffeine/alcohol/sugary foods and relaxing. Too much stress can often be a cause of gastritis, it definitely happens to me when I'm in a bad place mentally!

So relax a little, drink some camomile tea (this is great to soothe your stomach), eat only foods that will be gentle on your tummy and maybe schedule a visit to see your doctor :)

Before I was diagnosed with it I often woke up trembling and shaking in the middle of the night, running to the loo, fast heart rate, hard to breathe and weird sensations in my stomach that would shoot through my whole body. I used to think they were night time panic attacks, but often wondered why I woke up straight away into a full blown attack. Eventually we discovered it was the gastritis, and a bad attack like that would only happen if it got really bad and I was eating really badly! It's also happened to me from certain medications, like an over the counter cough bottle that contained ethanol. Of course the stress of it would make it ten times worse! Now it never gets like that anymore, because I know to watch what I eat and recognise the warning signs of my stomach being unhappy so can start looking after it before it gets too bad!

05-02-13, 18:37
I get that feeling sometimes too, it's usually a result of my acid reflux! My doctor says that the acid coming up, most often at night, can irritate your lungs and make it seem like it's harder to breathe. It often makes me feel like I'm not taking I'm enough air even though I'm breathing normally, and it can also make me feel lightheaded. It usually happens when my stomach is acting up, so I'll just watch what I eat for a few days and take some Aloe Vera & manuka honey to help my stomach chill out again :)

If it is acid reflux for you then there's a few things you can do to help it out. Don't lie flat when you sleep, make sure your head and upper body/shoulders are well supported on pillows so that the acid can't come up your throat. Don't lie down straight away after eating, or eat too close to bed time. You'll also want to make sure you don't over eat so that your stomach is too full, and try avoiding to foods that create extra acid (like tomatoes or fatty foods).

The burping, upset stomach and feeling full and nautious also happens to me, along with the breathing problems. It's simply from gastritis which is basically inflammation in your stomach, but you'll need a doctor to diagnose that for you if it is your problem. You can help yourself by drinking plenty of water, using antacids, getting in some gentle exercise, not eating acidic foods/caffeine/alcohol/sugary foods and relaxing. Too much stress can often be a cause of gastritis, it definitely happens to me when I'm in a bad place mentally!

So relax a little, drink some camomile tea (this is great to soothe your stomach), eat only foods that will be gentle on your tummy and maybe schedule a visit to see your doctor :)

Before I was diagnosed with it I often woke up trembling and shaking in the middle of the night, running to the loo, fast heart rate, hard to breathe and weird sensations in my stomach that would shoot through my whole body. I used to think they were night time panic attacks, but often wondered why I woke up straight away into a full blown attack. Eventually we discovered it was the gastritis, and a bad attack like that would only happen if it got really bad and I was eating really badly! It's also happened to me from certain medications, like an over the counter cough bottle that contained ethanol. Of course the stress of it would make it ten times worse! Now it never gets like that anymore, because I know to watch what I eat and recognise the warning signs of my stomach being unhappy so can start looking after it before it gets too bad!

Thank you for all this information. I've not felt that bad for a long time and new it wasn't anxiety that started it off.

I think I did eat too close to bed time. I don't usually go to bed that early but was very tired.

I did feel lightheaded too and my fingers and lips were tingly!

Well, I'll know what it is if it happens again but I hope not!

Thanks again for the information, kind of you to take the time to respond.

Betty xxx

05-02-13, 18:50
You're welcome, I'm glad that it helped you feel a bit better. When we have anxiety it can be torture trying to figure out if our symptoms are just anxiety or an actual problem!

Thought I'd mention that the tingling can come from the anxiety, if you're breathing rather quickly (which can happen if you're anxious) and also oddly gastritis attacks have made me feel tingly too! So it could have just been your stress, or it could have been your stomach upset that caused it.

I hope you're feeling a bit better today, if you continue to have stomach issues then maybe pay a visit to the doctor x