View Full Version : Really frustrated

05-02-13, 01:10
Ive been trying my best using CBT exercises over the past few months but Im scared that my negative thinking is rendering it useless.

Today I woke up and instantly I knew it was going to be one of those days.
At certain points today ive just been so low, literally feeling like just curling up and shutting myself away.
I woke up feeling like that and it hardly went away. I dont understand why this is happening if I have been using CBT exercises as much as I could.

I'm a shadow of myself when I feel like this, I just get so annoyed when I think anxiety is preventing my true self from living an exciting life.

05-02-13, 08:12
Just slow down, perhaps you are expecting too much of yourself. It takes time and patience to recover from anxiety. You will have good days and bad days, everybody does regardless. Stop thinking of how you used to be and start thinking of what you would like to become, one hurdle at a time.

take care.

05-02-13, 17:33
Bobbydog is spot on, patience is key, but I do know how you feel Rizo.