View Full Version : Woke feeling really dizzy

05-02-13, 01:45
I got woken up about an hour ago by the wind and rain. I was trying to get back to sleep when I suddenly felt really faint, hot and sweaty. I still feel faint now although also hungry. I'm scared to get out of bed in case I faint. I had my last meal about 8 pm and some choc before bed. I fainted for the first time a couple of weeks ago due to a uti, now I dread fainting again. I always thought laying down stopped u feeling dizzy, I just feel really scared :-(

05-02-13, 02:32
Hello :)

Sorry to hear you're feeling poorly. I am currently going through a similar feeling. I have not fainted completely but my legs gave way the other day. I have been feeling dizzy on and off for a week now. Just before I went to sleep last night I started to get hot sweaty and shakey. Im guessing its because i am obsessing about illness of the week :/ anyway I ignored it and it stopped.

I am sure you will be ok. Maybe try sitting up in bed for a while??

Its a horrible feeling I know. Try to keep calm and you will be ok :)

Take care xx

05-02-13, 02:41
Hi tasha thanks for the reply. Feeling a bit better now. Have been reading my book by Clare weekes. Thought I was getting better as I've had health anxiety for a couple of months now. Have had loads of tests and results were all normal so thought I was going to b okay. I just think I'm constantly on the look out for every little twinge or feeling then I worry myself stupid thinking and googling all the possibilities!!

05-02-13, 02:54
I can totally relate. I thought I was getting better up until last week too. It's horrible when you keep getting knocked back.

I am the very same, constantly on the look out for new aches and pains and if I find something I'll fixate on it until the doctor or tests tell me its nothing serious. What a way to live!

Glad you're feeling better :)

05-02-13, 03:04
Sorry ur suffering the same as me. It's so exhausting all the time isn't it, being constantly on the lookout. My mum has been really understanding as she has suffered from general anxiety on and off for years. My other half tho is getting a bit fed up of my constant worries and doesn't understand why I can't just get on with things and be how I used to. It's like he thinks I enjoy spending my days a nervous wreck! Here's hoping we all feel better soon, and stop googling! Take care