View Full Version : Lymph nodes again...

05-02-13, 05:32
I'm fiddling with a gland that my Dr felt 7 months ago and said was fine.
I'm touching it and keep thinking it's got bigger, but my boyfriend felt it and said it hasn't, at some positions it feels normal but then i turn otherways it feels bigger.
It's really soft and moveable, my Dr said it was healthy, just palpable, not swollen.
How big does a lymph node need to grow for you to notice?
I mean if this has grown its grown by about 2 mm, would I really notice that?

05-02-13, 06:09
If your doctor said it was fine it's fine. If you play with it, it will get bigger, they don't like being fiddled with. It's also soft and moveable which is how they're meant to be :) Relax you're fine.

05-02-13, 06:48
Lymph nodes are one of my obsessions, so I know where you are coming from. Eek is right the more you fiddle with them , the bigger they get and also soft and moveable is good. I have been visiting the dr. with mine since last summer and despite being told they are harmless still worry constantly about them.
Easy for me to say but try to leave them alone , sometimes they take months and months to go down, but I have been told by dr. they can go eventually. :)

Brazil Bill
05-02-13, 11:22
This is definitely one of my current obsessions. I've inflamed just about every lymph node in my neck over the past few months by pressing and wiggling these. Then they get sore and that triggers more anxiety. Some days I need a strait jacket to stop myself digging around. The above advice is good. Wish I could take it sometimes.

05-02-13, 12:05
Is it normal for them to really hurt if you keep playing with them?
One mine is in agony because I haven't left it alone :(