View Full Version : Cough, lump, noise

05-02-13, 07:27
My cough is back again, really bad, had like 3.5hours sleep last night, 3.5hours the night before, then i was up all that day before because i was working nights...so knackered...anyway...

When i cough it feels like i want to be sick sometimes, like when you cough so much you like induce the gag reflex and you feel like you're about to be sick?

I've had it for like 6 weeks :( It did go much easier about 5 days ago, basically cough like 6-12 times a day, and then about 2 days ago i woke up and it started all over again and has gotten worse, now i'm coughing a lot, especially when i get up, or roll over in bed or exhale incorrectly or something...

I now feel like i have a lump in my throat, at the bottom centre...its scaring me cause when i swallow it feels like it makes a slight noise, sounds a bit weird. I'm not sure wether its always been like that but i've only just focused on it, and now i can't stop focusing on it. My cat had throat cancer and died, she made a noise when she swallowed :(

My doctors keep saying acid reflux, and i try to listen, and it does help, but then a short while later i start thinking they have it all wrong.
I'm going their today if i can get an appointment because i have ran out of my Omeprazole yesterday. I last took 10mg yesterday morning at 8am. Missing one 10mg shouldn't do too much should it?

Has anybody else had this lump feeling if it IS acid reflux? and has anybody's cough gone away and then returned literally just days afterwards?
Seriously fed up with it. Also does anybody's throat make a loud'ish swallowing noise?

I have decided to take some time off work to just rest, i can't afford to because i have used all my sick pay up at work, and i know i'll get a disciplinary when i get back but i don't care, my health is more important and i need a decent rest. My friends and family think i'm run down and because of that my immune system is low which is why i keep getting ill. Kinda makes sense, i just hope i haven't left it too late and have gotten a very serious disease.

Thank you if you managed to read this without getting fed up with my constant paranoia. Seriously dunno what i'd do without this website.

(((hugs to all)))

05-02-13, 09:12
Hi hun, my husband has acid reflux and is on omeprazole, he has been on these for roughly 8 or 9 years possibly more. He went through a faze where he had a really bad cough that was worse at night, and it was all due to the acid reflux. The doctor advised him to take two instead of one for a few days, and it seemed to work a treat, also doctors told him that as he had been taking them for so long it may be his body is used to them and that meds may need changing, however when he doubled them up for a few days, the cough went and things settled so he remained on the ompeprazole, hope this helps, I honestly dont think it is anything serious at all.x

05-02-13, 22:57
Thankyou ^_^

I went to the doctors, felt incredibly rough, turns out not only do i have acid reflux but also the flu! And the flu is exhasterbating the acid reflux. Ive been given 20mg of omeprazole instead of the 10mg and can take it up to twice a day if need be.

I did have thoughts a few hours later that she was wrong but i managed to get out of that mindset.


05-02-13, 23:23
no problem, glad the doctor reassured you, the doubled up dose should really help you, it certainly did for my hubby. Flu is horrible and does make you feel rough, keep warm, drink plenty and rest!! Hope you feel better soon.