View Full Version : First timer, citalopram :(

05-02-13, 08:32

found this forum and could do with some hints etc, after some issues at work ( not me i hasten to add) resulting in the union, hr , grievances etc ( which after 24 years of working is all new to me) which started in november, finally things got a bit much a couple of weeks back and after noticing myself becoming more snappy, grumpy, going over aguments in my head, not sleeping, drinking more, started smoking again etc etc, gp said haid depression/ anxiety and said i should try citalopram 20mg, and propanolol.

Was a bit dubious, after reading reviews didnt fancy the sex drive of a bag of salad, nausea etc etc. Anyway read that 10mg starting dose for a coupe of days is a bit easier, first tablet almost made me feel out of control for 3-4hrs, very uneasy and with some joint pain and dizziness, i took the first last friday, gp signed me off for a coupe of weeks so am keepig busy at home, saturday i took 10mg again and felt equally wobbly, kept going all day had a herbal nytol and piriton to help me sleep and slept through till about 5 am when i woke up with a shot!! , started 20mg on sunday and it knocked me flyng, took the dog over the park and tried to walk it off, yesterday was a bit easier though still felt a bit distant all afternoon, and again this morning, took 20mg at 6am, got the dog out ( even though am off work am trying to keep to routine and not slip into ( am staying in bed under duvet all day do not disturb mode) , felt okay for an hr or so, felt quite chirpy walking the dog, then popped to the shops and felt a bit odd, almost shaky and high, back at home now and partner just said ' you seem a bit better this morning' so i suppose thats something, still fell as if ' something is going to happen' sorry if that sounds weird.
Anyway sorry im waffling, does this sound normal? ive not been down this route before , had a close call with being ' down' in 2004 after we returned from asia ( boxing day tsunami) we were very lucky and things caught up with me a few weeks later, but managed to get through it on our own. This time though, im heading for 40 in six months, and feel like ive taken a battering..... i hope this gets easier, i dont like feeling ' chemically enhanced' though guess the weirdness will go.......:bighug1:

oddly enough last night bout 8pm i felt wuite chilled amd relaxed perhaps pill had worn off?

all the best , any hints of tips welcome....

05-02-13, 10:17
I had the same sort of side effects as you. They do ease off, you just have to hang in there and after a week or so you start to feel more like yourself.

05-02-13, 11:01
propanolol make me feel the same hang in there x

05-02-13, 14:44
thanks kept busy all morning, then about sn hr ago started to feel exhausted like i could fall asleep standing up lol....hope it will pass....in the mean time,cuppa tea

06-02-13, 07:18
The side effects do lessen, sex drive still isn't the same though, which sucks. Hopefully that will improve. I'm at week 10 and generally feeling more relaxed and social.

Just make sure you do things u enjoy and help u to relax, too many people on this forum seem to just take the pills and then blame them for not making any difference.

06-02-13, 08:07
thanks, tried taking once before bed last night to avoid feeling so tired, feel lousy this morning, very distant and a bit edgy...going to get the dog out for a walk and some fresh air

little scientist
06-02-13, 09:26
Hi Eastbournelad :)

Well firstly welcome, and I think you are doing all the right things! You've taken a step away from work and are keeping yourself busy - I think that is key. I was signed off from work last year and found it best to fill my time with little things like going swimming, or taking a walk each day.

The side effects from cit do get easier - I found mine wore off after a few days, but you may not see the full effect of citalopram for some weeks yet.

I don't see citalopram as a chemical enhancement as such, I see it more as helping to restore the balance that has become disturbed :)

Good luck and keep us all posted here!

06-02-13, 09:35
thanks, just done the housework!! dont feel as disorientated as i did last friday when i started taking them so looing forward to feeling back to normal soon!! one side effect i didnt expect was ermm.... to put it politely wind....lol....my life....even the basset hound looks suprised! have just made myself eat something and had a cuppa, just trying to keep going through the motions, noticed i havent shave for 3 days which is unlike me and a bit slack, so going to have a spruce up

little scientist
06-02-13, 09:39
I think you're doing just the right thing :) As you say, I think routine is so so important. Just helps you feel like you have accomplished things with your day. And housework is good for you too - its a good form of gentle exercise if its things like hoovering!