View Full Version : new job !!!

05-02-13, 08:40
i wasnt going to post but then i remembered how reading success stories gave me hope when i first joined nmp.

i would say i can manage my anxiety and panic now and have done for a while (that doesnt mean to say i dont get tough times because i do ).
anyway im afraid this is a bit of a long story...
i worked at a home for young adults with severe learning disabilaties for 6 years but i left back in may ... things werent great there and i was offered the chance of running a business with my mate, the business is going well but it just isnt pushing me enough... im ready for a new challenge.
well last summer one of my friends was made assistent manager at my old place of work she sadly and suddenly passed away in september, the post has never been filled since even though they have advertised and interviewed.
last friday something in me told me to go and talk to my old employers, i came away with an application form ...had an interview yesterday at 2pm managed to get home and changed and the phone rang ...the job is mine !!!
im still in shock i think and it hasnt really sunk in.
it will be alot more responsibilaty and also my worst fear is how other staff will take to me comeing back and as assistant manager. there are a few young girls bit clicky etc.
anyway this is a sucess as before xmas i had a huge blip (bit of a tough year caught up with me)...and with out the help of many paople here im not sure iwould have pulled myself out.
im still waiting for cbt (i just need that last bit of help)...
but for all of you that think you will never work again or are really struggling just now it DOES and WILL get better, i promise you that.
im not going to lie its hard work but when i read back my old poasts i cant believe how far ive come.
couldnt have got this far with out you.

05-02-13, 09:29
OMG wow :D congratulations Rach.

so good to see you posting in the success stories and especially about such great news as I know you had such a tough time at the end of the year.

Emmz xxxxxx

05-02-13, 10:17
Very well done. I wish you the best of success in your new job :yesyes:

05-02-13, 10:45
yayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

05-02-13, 10:56
Excellent, well done :)

05-02-13, 21:55
thank you very much for all your support...
i start on the 25th so will come back and post

Daisy Sue
05-02-13, 22:44
well done and good luck with the new job! :)

Vanilla Sky
06-02-13, 17:22
Congratulations again Rach xx

Dont worry about the clicky girls , you obviously didnt want much to do with them when you were last there so I wouldnt worry .
And remember you are in a proffesional position now so its buisness ... not personal