View Full Version : sinusitis

05-02-13, 10:22
Hi all.
wondering if anyone has experienced sinus draining or operations on their sinus,ive had an infection/inflammation for nearly 2 months..its been so painful and depressing..ive had to have loads of time of work and i cant function properly.
finally am seeing a consultant next thursday for a diagnostic endo something or other which i know is a camera up the nose,[sounds pleasant]my dr said the sinus will need draining as ive had 3 lots of antibiotics.decongestants and nasal steroid sprays..nothing has worked..
would anyone whos had this surgery know how long it takes from having the camera up to the nose to the actual draining..ive been signed of work for another 2 weeks and hope the draining op will be be shortly after the camera test..im in the london area and am going to the homerton nose and sinus clinic within the hospital..
also id anyone has had it done,was it awful.
thanks everyone xx

05-02-13, 22:48

I haven't had the camera thing or any ops so I can't really help but I've had a couple of infections and chronic sinusitis so I sympathise greatly! People seem to write sinusitis off as the 'end of a cold' type feeling but it's really really horrible and be so painful so I think you're coping well considering you've had an infection for so long.

Is this a one off type thing for you or do you have chronic also? I find antihistamines help to control the chronic element (+ decongestants and steroid spray) but obviously once the infection is there nothing really helps until they've got rid of it.

I have heard that a lot of people get relief after the procedure to unblock their sinuses so hopefully this will be the case for you.

Please post an update as I'd be really interested to know how you get on, hope you feel better soon :hugs:

06-02-13, 10:15

I haven't had the camera thing or any ops so I can't really help but I've had a couple of infections and chronic sinusitis so I sympathise greatly! People seem to write sinusitis off as the 'end of a cold' type feeling but it's really really horrible and be so painful so I think you're coping well considering you've had an infection for so long.

Is this a one off type thing for you or do you have chronic also? I find antihistamines help to control the chronic element (+ decongestants and steroid spray) but obviously once the infection is there nothing really helps until they've got rid of it.

I have heard that a lot of people get relief after the procedure to unblock their sinuses so hopefully this will be the case for you.

Please post an update as I'd be really interested to know how you get on, hope you feel better soon :hugs:

Hi Lost,
thank you for your reply..i didnt think it was chronic until i realised that id had 4 sinus infections last year,but they always went away within a couple of weeks and it was only the 1st week that it was really painful and then it was bearable..this horrible one started with swelling across my cheek and side of nose and has never gone away.i think the steroid spray helped to clear the nose a little but the facial pain didnt stop..i cant imagine what its like to wake up with no pain..its there with me always and feel as if ive been on auto pilot every day since december when it first started...
yes i definalty think if people havnt had a nasty infection they tend to put it down to a head cold..if id have had savings i would have booked in private straight away just to stop the pain of it..im ringing up every couple of hours to the nhs choose and book number just in case they ve had any cancellations to any of the hospitals the dr has chosen.its 7 days now till i see the consultant,i know it dosent seem long but for me it seems forever..i work part time and have gone back to college once a week to regain gcses..i had an exam this morning that i couldnt go too..luckily the tutor has said when im better she can give me extra tuition to catch up and resit the module that ive missed..sinus problems have killed this year so far for me...when im able to tolerate the facial pain and pounding head i think maybe i should try going back into work then within an hour or so im sitting crying with the pain...the only good thing is that the pain has distracted me from my anxiety lol.
what do you do for your chronic sinusitis..does yours go away with antibiotics..when i got them last year they only ever gave antibiotics,i never even thought of seeing an ent consultant until it went on and on.
thank you.i will update you when this hell starts to recede..am hoping the consultant says next week yes we ll book you in for it tommorrow..heres hoping xx