View Full Version : 1st degree heart block

05-02-13, 14:13
:scared15:Iv`e had what feels like skipped heartbeats sice I was 15, but a few years ago they became more frequent. I had all sorts of tests, including an echoardiogram & a treadmill test. They all came out normal, but when I had a 24 hour test, they told me that I had 1st degree heart block. This has scared the life out of me, it sounds really serious. My gp says it`s nothing to worry about, but I can`t help thinking that this condition will shorten my life. Am I silly to be so scared?

05-02-13, 14:43
Go back to your Gp and ask for a detailed explanation of what he told you for your own peace of mind. He would never tell you not to worry about this if there was any doubt at all so yes you can believe him, there are alot of heart things that show up on ecg that have no effect on the function of your heart like ectopic beats etc but if he explains why its harmless you might be easier in your mind.