View Full Version : Haven't experienced this before... anyone else?

Frank TJ
05-02-13, 14:31
So this past 12 months I have thought that I have had numerous serious illnesses, you name it, I have thought I have had it or something similar. Been to my GP quite a few times, had blood tests, moles removed and recently an x-ray because I was getting left hand numbness. Each one of these doctor visits has resulted in nothing serious at all, and once I hear that I get a little bit of respite for a few weeks or even a month sometimes. But then comes the next bout of worry over another feeling or sensation.

The newest one and possibly the most frightening one has happened this week. I am feeling constantly dizzy, or like I am on a boat or something. My legs have also felt a little weak and like jelly at times. Its scaring the hell out of me! I am eating, exercising and sleeping normally so I cannot describe why this is happening. Before I started feeling like this, I didn’t feel particularly anxious about anything. In fact I had a good 2 weeks of feeling very good and content. I am sat here now feeling very strange like I am trembling a little inside and I can’t seem to focus on anything very well. It’s almost like a feeling of tiredness and fatigue as well with some vertigo. Sometimes it gets too much and I have to stand up and go for a brisk walk… but then it comes back again once I sit down. So I am convinced its some neurological disease or nervous system disease now and am planning yet another doctors visit.

I have read that these feelings can be caused by anxiety. But I am just worried because I wasn’t feeling particularly anxious about anything before they began. In fact I was in quite a good place! Has anyone else experienced these sensations out of nowhere when they were feeling okay? :scared15:

05-02-13, 14:37
All you describe are classic anxiety symptoms. I have certainly had them all over many many years. The clue is the internal trembling as that is sheer anxiety/adrenaline. I cannot drink caffeine as I get terrible internal trembling, jitters you name it.

True vertigo is awful and you literally cannot walk when you have it but the ship at sea feeling does not actually stop you doing anything it just makes you fearful and worried and is sef perpetuating I know!

Have you read the symptom list at side as this give an explanation for all your symptoms and can be very reassuring.

05-02-13, 18:24
I went through this fatigue for 4 days , and it is slowly wearing off. I think it might have been adrenal gland fatigue or something.

Frank TJ
05-02-13, 18:40
Hi both, thanks so much for the responses. Much appreciated.

Just worried because i was feeling good towards the end of last week and now 3 days of this strange dizzy, spaced out, vertigo, jelly legged feeling.

I would be able to handle the odd dizzy spell and put that down to anxiety. But its the fact that its been 3 days that is worrying me. Seems like a long time to feel dizzy without there being something very wrong... :weep:

05-02-13, 19:25
Hi, I have been having the same feelings for 2 months. Came as a total shock as I'd never suffered from anxiety and was totally convinced I had some awful disease. Have had numerous tests all normal and yet I still have this strange not all there/muzzy head. It's extremely tiring being constantly aware of it, dreading the next episode. It hasn't stopped me from doing things but had certainly stopped me enjoying doing them. Now it all just seems like chores that I have to endure in order to say its not beating me. But I'm sure I will turn a corner some day soon, that rain cloud of doubt and doom will b gone and the sun will shine again :)

Frank TJ
08-02-13, 10:42
Thanks all, it seems to be a lot worse when I am in work. But I don't have a particularly stressful job so I don't get it! Now I have slight headaches along with head tightness and pressure. Almost like the feeling when you are about to get the flu or something... It's really annoying me! Just want it to stop!

Think I'll be going to the docs AGAIN on Monday...