View Full Version : why do people with emetophobia let themseles throw up?

05-02-13, 14:50
Every now & then I read posts on various phobia sites from emetophobic people who say `I threw up, & it wasn`t that bad`, I dread being sick, & have become very good at controlling myself from doing it over the years, so why don`t all emetophobics hold it in when they feel like throwing up?:huh:

05-02-13, 15:02
Because sometimes it's just not possible?
Because being sick, though unpleasant, really isn't anything to be afraid of so there is no need to go to such lengths to avoid it?

I hate to be sick, and feeling sick is the one thing pretty much guaranteed to make me panic, but I still have to accept that sometimes it's unavoidable (and in most cases is actually your body doing you a favour - getting rid of something that poses a threat to it).

05-02-13, 15:08
Throwing up isnt always a choice, your body forces you too.
If you were proper sick you wouldn't be able to control it.
The fear is irrational so when they do throw up the reality hits them that yeah it's uncomfortable but it doesn't warrant the amount of fear they place on it.

05-02-13, 15:19
Being sick is good for you :) You wouldn't want to hold it in if you accidentally swallowed come bleach.

05-02-13, 17:12
ajones, i agree with the other replies - sometimes it just isn't possible to stop if from happening, it can't be controlled. And THAT is what the real problem is for emets, in my opinion. It's about not being in control our bodies, not being able to control what our bodies do.

29-03-13, 22:12
I'm really interested to know if it can really be controlled or not. So far I always seem to be able to stop it even when it feels immenent - but maybe I just haven't been ill enough? What worries me is that it is completely instinctive for me to resist it now - I'm not sure if I could even do it if I wanted to and it makes me worry in case there is a situation where I really should do it (e.g. drinking bleach) and I can't and if its harmful...

29-03-13, 22:17
I wish it can be controlled but whenever I've had the stomach virus it's impossible seriously. It just forces up and you cannot stop it, that's why I fear that stupid virus so much.

01-04-13, 12:37
Whilst I don't have emetophobia I find I hold it in for ages and this isn't really very helpful. It means that on those rare occasions when I get a bug or whatever, I spend hours and hours feeling really nauseous before I can't hold it any more, then within five minutes I generally feel a lot better.

07-05-13, 00:28
For me, I've never had the whole 'be sick and feel sooo much better' thing. So I don't understand it.. But really, I think it's the sick feeling as much as the whole act of being sick that's as bad. If I'm ill I usually would feel terrible anyway regardless of whether I was actually sick or not.
And mostly when I have been ill, the being sick bit is obviously awful, but I just remember feeling so generally terrible too and that sucks so much too.

For the question, I'm really unsure whether it can be stopped and it's probably a personal thing, it's not exactly easy to stop it.

24-07-13, 14:19
I can't stop it when I'm ill. I *hate* throwing up - though probably wouldn't call myself fully emetophobic - as does my mum, and I don't go in for any of that 'make yourself vomit so you'll feel less queasy' business (nor the disgusting idea of the tactical vomit to give yourself less of a hangover in the morning, ew!). But when I had norovirus, there was no choice in the matter. People throw up differently, though (TMI, sorry). For me, it's a pretty violent experience featuring retching and sniffling and eyes watering, but I know people who can throw up almost silently and emerge from the loo looking pretty much normal. I'm going to guess those people are less bothered by throwing up!

24-07-13, 15:37
I only realised this week that my Dad must have had this. He had an absolute horror of vomiting, and I only remember it happening once, when he collapsed outside my room. Looking back, I don't think he was that ill, I think it was the horror of what had happened. :(