View Full Version : White roof of mouth - Freaking out.

05-02-13, 16:54
I'm awaiting a referral to have minor surgery to remove a salivary gland stone. So I've been examining my mouth quite a bit latley.. and tonight I noticed the roof of my half the top half is like white. and along the teeth is like patchy white on both sides .. I'm really freaking out.

I have been examined by dentists and specialists in the past month and they never mentioned it. maybe it wasnt there..

I cannot sleep now :( :(

05-02-13, 19:19
hi dubbmented. Try not to worry as I am sure its nothing to worry about, have you taken any different medication lately or use an inhaler at all? Is there any pain to it or does it feel ok? Reason I ask is that it could be oral thrush as that often presents as white patches in the mouth. If so Corsodyl mouthwash is fantastic for that, perhaps pop to the doctors to have a look as they will be able to tell you for sure, also if it is thrush they can give you some gel to swish around the mouth to also help get rid of it quicker.

05-02-13, 21:19
I have a white line down the center of the roof of my mouth, could it maybe just be normal? something that was always there just you never saw it before?

06-02-13, 03:50
I ate something hot, and burnt my mouth right before i noticed this aswell, Can our mouth turn white from burn trauma ?

I did use an inhaler aswell.. I don't have the money to visit a dentist right now.
I'm hoping it just goes away :(

06-02-13, 12:17
If you burn the inside of your mouth then it will go white, with your inhaler have you been advised by the doctors to rinse it out once a week? Reason for it is that inhalers can cause oral thrush, and they say after using it to just rinse some water around your mouth also. Either way if it is from a burn or even thrush then that mouthwash I mentioned would work wonders on it. It does sound to me as though it is more likely from burning your mouth, especially if you have never had thrush from an inhaler before. If it is that then it should clear up in a few days.x