View Full Version : operation in hospital

05-02-13, 17:48
Hi all, i'm due to have a general anaesetic on thursday for a minor op in hospital, im soooo nervous!!

its the early appointment, and im rubbish in the morning at the best of times. im actually more worried about the nil by mouth thing and not being able to eat anything more than the op itself. and I HATE hospitals.



05-02-13, 17:54
It is best to have it early morning then you don't have all day to worry about it and all day to go without food. I hope it goes well for you, I don't know if you have had anaesthetic before but I have many times and it is nothing to worry about. Probably the only time I ever get a good sleep! :hugs:

05-02-13, 18:24
Mornings are the best time other wise you'd be feeling hungry all day!
You WILL be fine, you have no choice but to go and honestly you will be nervous but it's over so soon!

take a shower the night before or the morning, it'll help you relax a bit, I wore my pjs and over sized dressing gown to the hospital.

I honestly was worried something horrible would go wrong and it sorta felt like I was walking the green mile lol.

I met the nurses who explained everything to me, signed some forms, was weighed so they'd know how much medication to give me, they basically double check everything!

I got to speak with my surgeon before hand, I met other people who were nervous like me and that really helped me feel better knowing others were feeling the same way!

I got called to the operating room, I felt a wave of panic as I lay on the table, I'm not going to lie!

They hooked me up to the monitors and what not, this time they gave me gas, I asked the nurse to hole my hand which helped, I took maybe 3 breathes and that was it!
I was only awake in the OR for 5 minutes at the most.

Then I woke up, I felt very very tired and heavy. I would suggest if you are attached to your mobile like I am to maybe leave it under your pillow.
i wasn't too happy when I couldn't find mine lol, the nurse found it for me and I relaxed and went right back to sleep :)

i also woke up wearing an oxygen mask too but wasn't aware of it until a nurse removed it.

If you have that phobia of being sick, ask the nurses before hand to give some anti sickness meds or injections.

what sort of operation are you having done?
I was given IV fluids, steroids and antibiotics to prevent infection and swelling, s they really do look after you!
they monitor all you vital signs, heart beat, oxygen, blood pressure, temperature.

06-02-13, 10:24
Hi anxious gal, thanks for that, sounds ok, i had a op when i was a child and i vaguely remember it. im not so bad today, i know there is nothing i can do about it, and they do this kind of thing every day.
its only a minor thing in the 'ladies dept.'
Im thinking of it as a couple off work watching daytime tv. I hope i dont feel sick as i hate that.
yes my mobile will be close by me at all times!

thanks sarah

semper solus
06-02-13, 10:46
Hi Sarah

I have had a couple of ops morning/late and have to say found the whole experience to be fine. The late one I was allowed a light breakfast, you might want to ask them about that to see if you can. oh and on both occasions I eat them out of house and home after I had had the ops and god knows how many cups of tea I had :)

Good luck with your op and speedy recovery :flowers:


07-02-13, 20:11
All over in a flash..had the wobbles first thing but generally ok. Very nice nurses and staff..very quick op and was home by lunchtime after tea and toast!
Next ive got a dentist appointment with sedation to endure!
Thanks all

07-02-13, 20:27
All over in a flash..had the wobbles first thing but generally ok. Very nice nurses and staff..very quick op and was home by lunchtime after tea and toast!
Next ive got a dentist appointment with sedation to endure!
Thanks all

Pleased it all went well. I have been to the dentist today and have to go back for treatment with sedation...oh well rather be sedated than have it done without!

semper solus
08-02-13, 08:47
Hi Sarah

Nice to hear it all went well. I bet you stuffed your face with a big dinner????
