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View Full Version : Ears popping??

05-02-13, 18:38
I have posted a few times about my brain worries I.e vertigo, earache, pressure in side of head, headaches etc. I also keep getting that my left ear pops when I swallow. I am wondering if all these are connected?
Anybody else have this?

05-02-13, 18:51
You can get a bunged up tube between your throat and ear (eustation tube). If you hold your nose and blow down it you get your ears to pop and this is due to this tube. Minor problems with this tube are incredibly common and can cause all sorts of symptoms like dizziness, weird noises, earache etc

Have you seen your GP as sometimes a nasal spray can help unblock things.

05-02-13, 18:58
I already use sudafed. I am seeing an ent specialist on Thursday.

05-02-13, 18:59
I'm going through the exact same stuff right now! I have sinusitis which is causing all kinds of uncomfortable sensations like the pressure and vertigo you mention.

The doctor says my ears are also inflamed and have some fluid stuck in them, and this is what causes the balance/vertigo problems. I also get a lot of ear popping and tinnitus too.

I'm treating it with steam inhalation, a decongestant, a steroid nasal spray, not eating dairy, a saline nasal spray and some sinus massage techniques. The doctor also said to try and get to the seaside to breathe in the salt air! And tonight I'm going to try a humidifier in the bedroom to see if that will help too.

A visit to your doctor will solve the problem for you, they have have a look in your ear and listen to your symptoms to see if you have this problem.

I know that the vertigo is so unsettling, it's very hard to keep anxiety at bay while all this is happening to you, I really feel for you and hope you're better soon x

Edit: I see you're seeing an ENT this week, in that case they'll probably answer all your questions for you! Good luck x

05-02-13, 19:01
My gp has looked in my ears and said they were ok. The ent will have a better look I suppose x

05-02-13, 19:05
Ah well in that case the ENT is your best bet, they will help you I'm sure :)

But now that you know you're seeing the ENT you know you're taking positive action for your problem. So in the meantime try to let go of the worry and surrender to the fact that you're being proactive and doing the very best you can for yourself.

This step is hard, believe me I know, it's the one I struggle the most with! And when symptoms are prolonged it makes it harder and harder to stay calm about it. But we have to keep trying, it's the best thing we can do for ourselves.

05-02-13, 19:12
Yes I see him on Thursday. I hope it's something simple because I have been worrying its something like a brain tumour.

05-02-13, 19:42
Tumours are rare, it's more likely to be a much simpler problem! Try to hold onto that thought.

I was reading about this the other day and you know everywhere we're bombarded with really bad health problems like tumours, heart attacks, strokes - all those horrible things. You read about them in the papers & magazines constantly and see them on the news & TV shows all the time - but it's only because they make a good story and they draw interest!

Simple things don't get the same attention because they're not dramatic enough. So everywhere we're exposed to these really bad health problems, and naturally as a result we jump to the worst conclusions when we experience odd symptoms! Throw anxiety into that mix and you come up with the worst possible reasons for our symptoms! But realistically your problems are more likely to have a simple solution :)

05-02-13, 19:48
Thanks I will. I might be more reassured after Thursday I hope.