View Full Version : Chest pain

05-02-13, 20:17
sometimes I get a chest pain that feels like it is right on my heart, so I am worried that I have some sort of life threatening condition.
When the chest pain strikes it is usually when I am sitting down (exercise has no effect on it and I do a lot of it) and only lasts 5 seconds at most, but it scares the hell out of me. I have quite bad anxiety and am on medication for slight acid reflux, although this does not feel like heart burn. I also have slightly strange circulation to my extremities recently, ie. they go a bit blotchy and get cold easily and am worried it is all liked like heart failure or something. I have been to the doctor many times whom has done blood tests, listened to my heart and a chest X-ray, although says there is no point in an ekg. The only worrying result was a blood pressure of 145/83 or something which terriefied me enough to buy a blood pressure machine, at home I still get highish readings of around the 134/75 mark, sometimes higher sometimes lower. Please help, I am so worried.
Thanks Nick
(I am 17 btw with no family history of heart problems)

05-02-13, 20:26
145/83 is pretty much normal bud. The high end of normal.

If the lower number was 90 or above you would be monitored or put on BP tabs.

Anxiety has many symptoms.

05-02-13, 20:41
its defintly noy hrart failure you would have tons of problems other than what you described

heart related chest pain is mostly related to exercise and tends to last a few minutes the pain you describe sounds like muscle tension due to anxiety pop an ibruffeon and see it that helps.

05-02-13, 21:12
I had chest pain and went to A and E who whizzed me straight through and did an ECG. If the pain is that bad thats always an option but it isn't heart failure. As mentioned before you would have lots of other symptoms and probably wouldn't even feel up to posting it on here.

Hope you feel better soon

05-02-13, 21:50
thanks for the replies guys, I have calmed down a bit now, you have prevented me from ringing NHS direct for the millionth time worrying about a symptom