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View Full Version : chest pain and arm and shoulder pain

anx mum
05-02-13, 20:51
My anxiety is sky high at mo:weep:im in a right state weekend my chest pains got worse ended up in hospital where another ecg was done showing abnormal t wave they let me home as im seeing cardio person thurs. Also im getting shoulder and arm pain i dont know if these two r related but im so scared:weep:everyday im in tears just want to know whats wrong? Getting pins and needles around my back of neck and stomach whats going on?

05-02-13, 20:58
The good thing is that they would not let you out of hospital if it was serious though so that should reasssure you.

I am sure you will get to the bottom of things soon.

I thought your appt. with cardio was tomorrow though?

anx mum
05-02-13, 21:01
was tomorrow they rung and changed it too thurs im in bits nic im really scared

05-02-13, 21:02
try not to woory bout the t wave there are many causes of t wave abnormalities and believe it or not anxiety is one of them hyperventilation is another try and relax and hopedully your cardio doc will sort you out

anx mum
05-02-13, 21:05
thank u finding it hard to relax just want answers getting really anxious at times.

05-02-13, 21:13
They may not find a reason for it Bev - so be prepared for that as well.

You will be fine - we are all here for you as well.

05-02-13, 21:15
I really am just echoing Nicola, that it is a good thing that you were allowed home, if it was really serious the hospital would have insisted in keeping you in.

Also good that you are seeing someone very soon who will be able to look into it further with you and fully explain exactly what is going on, often it is the uncertainty and not knowing that makes HA worse, at least now you know you will be looked over thoroughly and all being well it will be something that is easy to rectify.

I will say try not to worry, but also know that's so much easier said than done, but hang on in there, as at least now you are that little bit closer to getting some solid information and answers.

05-02-13, 21:17
yea i can undersrand hopefully you get the reassurance from cardiology and put your mind at ease i know how it feels waiting for a cardio evaluation

05-02-13, 21:17
as said above anxiety can also be the cause that throws out the t wave reading, and of course anxiety can also cause no end of pains around the head, neck and chest too. It may well be that it is anxiety that is causing this problem, rather than something "bigger" so it is better to try to relax as much as you can. Hope you feel better soon.xx

anx mum
05-02-13, 21:20
Thank u just hope they find the answers.

anx mum
06-02-13, 21:13
God im so nervous seeing my cardio tomoz just hope i find out whats going on really cant take no more feeling awful:weep:.

06-02-13, 21:28
best of luck im sure everything will be fine are you down for any tests?

anx mum
06-02-13, 21:55
Hope they do echo or something to prove it isnt my heart.

07-02-13, 01:32
Good luck with your appointment tomorrow let us know how you get on.

07-02-13, 09:09
Good luck with the appointment. Hope you get some answers

Andrea x

anx mum
07-02-13, 20:50
Well been for my appointment today doc wants me to have stress test cos of my symptoms:weep:im so scared. My anxiety is sky high cant relax

07-02-13, 21:30
That is normal Bev. I had to have one of them as well to see how well the heart is working.

What did they say about it all?

anx mum
09-02-13, 21:30
This is a living hell feel so ill. Another day of chest pain and although been taped up abit of shoulder pain too. When u have chest pain and go to hospital r they meant to do a blood test on you cos no doctor has given me one ambulance man said thats what they should do?

09-02-13, 21:53
yea its called a troponin tells you if youve had heart damage or having a heart attack i dont know your history but heart related pain as in agina is normaly felt with exertion that is called stable agina unstable agina happens at rest and indicates heart attack if you have pain that presists.for a long periid of time its not heart related.but it could be muscle related

im not going to tell you to relax cos i know how you feel being through something simelar myself but try and get some distraction untill you get you tredmil stress test

anx mum
09-02-13, 21:58
why wouldnt they do they do a blood test on me? Im gonna ask my gp not happy at all. Well pain is there at rest and has been going on a long time so u think its not angina? Really scared esp when its time to sleep:weep:

09-02-13, 22:07
to be honest i wouldnt say its unstable angina this normaly happens between midnight and 6 in the morning

the fact they didnt do a tropinin is a good sign if doctors felt it was a serious concern you would be kept in and a number of troponins would be done not juzt one after my troponin and ecg the doc told me to go home and relax that everything was fine this lasted 2days and i was back to worrying again

anx mum
09-02-13, 22:11
Do u think unstable angina wouldnt of lasted this long? But my ecg was abnormal u would think they would of done one blood test.

09-02-13, 22:22
i got an abnormal ecg inverted t wave and the computer readout said some crazy stuff ive had3 since then and they were all perfect of course i focused on the abnormal one convincing myself i had cardiomyopathy getting terrible chest pain ot was only when i saw tbe cradioloigst he told me i was fine and the reason i got the abnormal ecg was due to tbe nurse placing the leads up too high

ecgs are good but can produce alot of false reasons as i said b4 t wave inversions can mean anything or nothing alot of times nothing if the doc felt something was serious he would have done an echo

unstable angina normaly doesnt last that long and its really painfull hopefully the stress tezt will put gour mind at ease

10-02-13, 03:58
ECGs are sometimes wrong... I had one last year that showed AF (atrial fibrilation)... but when the doctor examined me, she said ''no, I've listened to your heart, and it's fine.'' Sometimes the ECG machines give false problems. :-)