View Full Version : Hello to you all

04-09-06, 18:28
Hi there,

I am so glad to find this forum and see i am not the only one who suffers from anxiety/panic.
I guess i have had it all my life, a born worrier always trapped and a slave to my mind and thoughts. My biggest attack came 2 years ago although i had little panic attacks for years before but not a lot. I was having panic attacks every 5 minutes, i thought i was going insane with the thoughts in my head, even my sight seemed different, i couldn't stop shaking, stopped eating, withdrew from my friends/family, dreaded feeling the same each day. I went to the Dr and thought she would section me with insanity but she assured me i was apsolutely far from insane and it was anxiety/depression and gave me citalopram which helped clear it up after about 4 months i was on the road to recovery. I have just come off of citalopram after being on them for 2 years. I have propanalol for emergencies only but i also do a lot of self help stuff - yoga, read books on panic/anxiety to educate myself and try and recognise my negative thought patterns etc. People always ask "what are your triggers" but it isn't anything like work, money etc it all stems from awful thoughts or fears my mind coungers up. I can be fine one week and it is almost as if my mind won't let me be happy without having something to worry about or try to sabotage my happiness. It comes and goes - maybe it depends what frame of mind i am in, how stressed i am at the time, i don't know? That feeling of isolation, no one can help, i am the only one is one i dread so i am glad to find you all here!!!:-)
Hope everyone is feeling well today!

04-09-06, 18:45
Hi Kitty

Welcome to the forum, you will find this site really useful in providing you with information and support.


04-09-06, 18:57
Hi Kitty

Welcome to the forum. Hopefully will be able to find loads of advice that can help you as well as making some great friends

Take care

Clare :)

Obstacles are those horrible things you see when you take your mind off your goals (",)

polly daydream
04-09-06, 19:15
Hi Kitty and welcome to the forum.

Best wishes,


04-09-06, 19:37
Hi Kitty you will find lots of lovely people here!!!

04-09-06, 19:43
hi kitty, welcome to no more panic. im sure you will find all the help and support you could ever need here
shell xx

04-09-06, 20:01
yes were here to help, alll in the same boat

glad your here


Granny Primark
04-09-06, 20:04
Hi kitty,

Welcome to nmp. Im sure youl get loads of help and support from this site.
My god if anyone can understand that feeling of isolation its me. Feeling rejected by the people i love most, my kids.
But trust me youl make friends and have support from people who dont know you but who certainly understand what your going through and im sure that will help you like it has done me,

Take care

04-09-06, 20:11
Thanks for all your warm welcomes, just knowing there are other people out there that know what it is like to go through all this is a help in itself:-)
I'm going through a small little blip at the moment so it is good to know there is support out there. I wish i was 'normal' - don't you feel like other people are so lucky they don't have to go through this!? I always ask 'why me'!
Nice to meet you all:-)

04-09-06, 20:16
every day i say things like this, im so jealous of people who never suffered this

not alone


04-09-06, 21:09
Nice to meet you! I'm new here but this site has really helped me stay positive.I've just started citalopram and it's been a rocky road so far but talking or rading posts here really helps me! It's great - such lovely people!
All the best

04-09-06, 23:08
Welcome Along, Kitty.

You are certainly not alone,

Take Care



And when you get the choice to sit it out or dance, I hope you dance.
~Mark Sanders and Tia Sillers

04-09-06, 23:16
Hi kitty,you are certainly not alone.3 weeks ago I thought I was going to be sectioned.I really thought I was going mad.The horrid thoughts I was getting.the panic attacks ect.This site has really helped me.Finding all these people in the same boat.[8)]You will find it a great copfort.

Ellen XX

04-09-06, 23:54
Hi Kitty :D




05-09-06, 00:14
Hi Kitt,

A big warm welcome to you.

Take Care


05-09-06, 14:33
Hi Kitty,

Welcome to the forum, you will get a lot of good advice here and make some new friends.

Take care

Trac xx

'Live your life with arms wide open, today is where your book begins, the rest is still unwritten'

05-09-06, 18:33
It is so great to find support, as like a few of you have said, it is really helpful reading everyones posts and eveyone helping everyone - thank god i found this site!!:-)
Hope everyone is well today.

06-09-06, 11:28
hello Kitty,you are sooo right when you say we sabotage our own recovery ,Do you know i think that is half the battle so many times,always the cup half empty never half full!I have done this to myself over the years ,as tho i am the disorder and without it i would be lost ,what would my identity be???NORMAL ORDINARY PERSON?Being one of THEM instead of the sad one staring wishing i was one of THEM ,the normal ordinary person!!Wellone thing i have learned is there is no such thing,we all have our own insecurities and while i have been 'people watching' so have 'they' and they are watching right back,thinking the same things!Hey celabrate your differences,embrace who you are.We on here have an insight into the 'human condition'most other folk have never questioned,we have empathy with others a rare gift;cherish it! You will get better,you have to trust your self,and just go with it for a while.Since joining here i have accepted my 'disorder'and nolonger let it stopme from doing things,some days are bad days but so what,it is only a day!Keep posting and reading .It is your time to recover.Love mary rose.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

we are all in the same boat and can guide each other ashore

06-09-06, 20:16
Hey Mary Rose,

You are so right, your post really inspired me today.Who's to say these 'normal' people aren't battling their own demons - we are all humans at the end of the day. My mum sais to me i am unique this is part of me and i have to try and come to terms with it and work at it. It is hard and i know she's right, sometimes i think it is going to take me over or i will get worse the older i get - does anyone else ever think that??