View Full Version : Hello I'm Blondiegirl

05-02-13, 23:12
I'm new to this sight and need some input from others that are going thru what i'm gong thru. I have been dealing with overwhelming anxiety and panic attacks for over a year now. It just hit me point blank one day and I have not felt like myself since. I have been getting night sweats also that wakes me from my sleep, also mood swings, emotional like crying all the time, shallow breathing, crashing fatique,and abnormal menstrual cycles. I have not felt like my self for a long time and it is affecting my family, work etc. I think that I'm going thru peri menopause. Can you feel this way for long periods of time like everyday. I have been to the doctors, Er, etc and everything comes out fine which scares me more. Sometimes I feel like I'm just going crazy. Please help.:mad:

05-02-13, 23:23
Hi Blondiegirl1

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

05-02-13, 23:30
Thank you Nicola,
Hope to find more people with the same issues of me and hopefully can give me some input as how to deal with this anxiety & panic attacks. They are very scary.,

Daisy Sue
05-02-13, 23:36
hi Blondiegirl, welcome to the forum :)

i've been through panic attacks & anxiety AND the dreaded menopause issues, so i can sympathise completely. it might be an idea to ask if your hormone levels can be checked, so at least that might point you in one direction or another..

06-02-13, 00:16
I'm new to this sight and need some input from others that are going thru what i'm gong thru. I have been dealing with overwhelming anxiety and panic attacks for over a year now. It just hit me point blank one day and I have not felt like myself since. I have been getting night sweats also that wakes me from my sleep, also mood swings, emotional like crying all the time, shallow breathing, crashing fatique,and abnormal menstrual cycles. I have not felt like my self for a long time and it is affecting my family, work etc. I think that I'm going thru peri menopause. Can you feel this way for long periods of time like everyday. I have been to the doctors, Er, etc and everything comes out fine which scares me more. Sometimes I feel like I'm just going crazy. Please help.:mad:

Hi I'm jay, don't worry I I know exactly what your going through I've been depressed for Years but didn't do anything about then out of nowhere I woke up every morning having horrible panic attacks it ruined my life in a week do you live in the uk? It sounds like you have clinical depression and anxiety same as me have you heard of cbt therapy? And have you not spoke to a doctor about it? I know it's so horrible but it's very curable trust me message me back I have lots of tips :)

06-02-13, 06:59
Hi sweety..I have been suffering or rather living through panic attacks for quite sometime now...though i take it as a blessing coz it had taught me how bad stress could be and hence i started enjoying the times when i feel "absolutely normal". reassure yourself that these are thoughts that you have created and they arent real...laugh at these thoughts and say how stupid of myself for even paying attention to these symptoms when i know they are going to go away...
I have never ever tried shyin away from these attacks rather i stare them right on their faces...i do what scares me the most...all alone....and thats where its time for these attacks to face some panic :) Life is beautiful...let these stupid symptoms not ruin it...I know they are terrible...coz i have been through...but lets not discuss how does it feel while gettin an attack...n lets discuss how unimportant these attacks are to you

06-02-13, 16:18
Thank you for your responses. I'm glad I found this sight to talk to differant ones that are going thru the same thing as me. I feel like I'm the only one and that I'm all alone & losing my mind. I have been to the doctor and have had all the test done and they say there is nothing wrong. They keep throuhing pills @ me and I'm currently on Zanex. Also took a blood test and they said my hormones are fine. That is what scares me the most. I keep asking myself whats wrong with me. I am 49 years old and my family tells me it can differently be a sign of menopause. That your hormones fluctuate at different times. I live in California. Do any of you feel like you can't breathe, than get light headed @ times. Is that a sign of anxiety to??

07-02-13, 12:00
yes...thats again a sign of anxiety...but dont care bout it as it comes only to go away...even i face it every now n then but i make it a point neither to go on medication nor to avoid my regular life style..

07-02-13, 18:51
Hi Blondiegirl - Welcome. I just joined as well. My symptoms started recentgly and I too wonder if it is perimenopause. Sending you hugs:hugs:

07-02-13, 19:34
Hi Hope :welcome:Aboard. What other systems do you get. I have not felt like myself for awhile now. I'm afraid to be alone, to go to the store, do the things that I used to love to do. I'm always short of breath and catch myself trying to do my breathing and that sets of more systems. I always feel anxious, sometimes shaky, Racing heart, Sometimes I can't sleep @ night, Just constantly the feeling on edge. I keep thinking that there is something seriously wrong with me that the doctors aren't seeing and that brings on more anxiety. These feeling is terrible. For along time I felt like I was the only one with these thoughts and have been researching the computer and found this sight and now I know I am not alone. Hugs to you as well.:bighug1:

07-02-13, 20:42
Hey there
You are definitely not alone. My symptoms are worse in the morning - Lightheadedness, numbness, mild hot flashes and rapid heart beat. I was prescribed Xanax but I am trying to get through this without meds.
I drink a lot of chamomile tea which calms me down some.
I find I have to constantly tell myself that I am relatively healthy and in no danger but it's hard.
Hang in there. Take it a day at a time.

07-02-13, 21:27
The doctor has me on zanex also and I'm afraid to take a lot of it because I heard you can get dependent on it. So I only take it when I have to and yes I hear you. I take it day by day. When an attack comes on I just keeping saying to myself that it is just anxiety. But it is hear hard when you are having an attack.

California Girl
07-02-13, 22:52
Hello :D welcome xxx

10-02-13, 02:10
Hello I'm here again, I have been prescribed Lexepro for my anxiety and depression. Has anyone else taken this and has it helped you with your systems?? I am so tired of feeling this way and hope that they help me. I want my life back. I used to be a easy going, fun person that liked going places, camping, shopping, etc. Now I'm afraid to do anything because I feel like this anxiety is going to hit me at any minute, I feel like it has taken control of me and I;m losing control.

14-02-13, 23:05
Hi Blondiegirl, I have all the same symptoms as you, I am 49 and have had the hormone blood test and they came back normal, I havent had a period for 11 months how can they say that the bloosds are normal.as with you I go lightheaded, sleep is a thing of the past.racing heart aall the time, tummy upset the list goes on. I am aalways woried that I have a serious illness, if you look on this web site they have a page for the menopause.I hope this has helped
Take care

15-02-13, 17:23
Hi I'm new and would love to chat for support help with people suffering the same way as myself at the mo, please look at my introductions thread to know more about me xx

15-02-13, 17:36
I no exactly were your coming from,I have suffered for 9 years with panic attacks/anxiety,mine started with post natal depression,unfortunately I turned to alcohol to relieve my symptoms as I became agoraphobia,I was a functioning alcoholic for years but I was also in a violent relationship,so the drink seemed my only way I could function,genes taking kids to school ext,this didn't last forever and my children got put Into care,I see my eldest son once a month,the rest are up for adoption,I have sorted my drinking out now,but still suffer badly with anxiety,agoraphobia,I'm 6 months sober and on waiting list for c.b.t..I'm hoping this works!,I have no friends and no confidence but I'm a survivor!

15-02-13, 17:47
hi there, just thought i would send you a message to say hello and hope you are well, I have just registered and thought it would be good to exchange thoughts and experiences in effort to try and get better