View Full Version : Food Shopping...A Nightmare

05-02-13, 23:49
Title really sums it up.

I have two main areas of OCD first one is tablets, they have to be taken two at a time out of the pack side by side, not one below the other. If it goes out of sequence it makes me feel sick and get tight balls or knots in my stomach.

Second one and this is the biggie...food shopping, and if anything it is getting worse.

I am fine going round the supermarket, the problem starts at the checkout.

I have to take everything out and put it in order on the checkout, all the tins together, up the right way and in a line that is straight, fridge things all together in a line that is straight, the same with the frozen, then the drinks/pop/washing and cleaning products next, dog and cat food after then bread.

People look at me like I am mad, and it takes me ages to do it, I just cant simply chuck it on and let the cashier put it all through again get knots then have panic attacks etc.

It has got to the point now where I have to do it alone if I take the kids they try to help, but of course just chuck it on willy nilly, and so does hubby.

I try to laugh it off when I am with them, but it really irks me, anyone else have the same issues as me at a supermarket checkout?

06-02-13, 00:47
Not that one specifically, although i get nervous at checkouts, but if thats the way you want to do it then so be it it doesnt matter who thinks you are mad at the end of the day does it.?

06-02-13, 12:18
If you are happy doing it that way then ignore what others around are doing. If you want to combat it, the way is to break your comfort zone and challenge the OCD and maybe try each time to not line things up, test yourself, prove that you don't have to do the ritual. I know how hard it is to break habits, I don't have OCD in that way but I do in other forms, and it is hard going at times.

06-02-13, 12:57
My hubby has to put the trolly in order, and at the check out, he will not let me take anything out of it to put on the counter. I just want to chuck the food in and get out of the shop asap. We have words every week!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!