View Full Version : Low blood pressure readings?

06-02-13, 04:19
I know very little about blood pressure, so any comments would be helpful!

My mum wanted to be able to check her blood pressure at home so I bought her one of those electronic Omron blood pressure things with the arm cuff.

Now her blood pressure is on the high end of normal, but mine keeps coming up as low :huh:

Now I do suffer from head rush, that drop in blood pressure when you stand up since I was a child, I've never fainted though. Also at the moment I am underweight so I don't know if that might be a reason. I'm also unfit lol

My highest reading was 109/76 and lowest 100/60.

From my understanding the normal range is 120/80

I would rather not mention it to my doctor as I don't want them thinking I am just looking for things to be wrong with me :wacko:

06-02-13, 10:22
I wouldn't worry about it, my blood pressure is always low in fact it is very rarely over 100 on the top and has been as low as 48 on the bottom. My doctor just says it is better to be low than high. I do get dizzy spells though and need to lie down.

06-02-13, 14:04
Hi hun :D:hugs:

I have had low blood pressure all my life, Mmmm, for me this is normal, it has only ever bothered me on a good few accusations, Like Annie, I know what to do if it really bothers me, YES lay down.

I have one of them monitors, I got it for hubby. PLEASE hun, DON'T over check yourself.

From my understanding the normal range is 120/80, Mmm yes, that's right:yesyes:

BUT, for me, **109/76 and lowest 100/60.** Less than this is my normal rage.

It can be hard not to have concerns when we don't know what is normal for ourselves, hun, get to know yourself, get to know what is normal for you



06-02-13, 15:19
My blood pressure is rarely over 100/50. The bottom number is often down in the low 40s. It used to worry me but I have always had a slow heart rate of 40 BPM and low blood pressure.

I wouldn't worry unless you are really dizzy all the time and you are passing out. A lot of people get the dizzy head rush when standing up to quickly even with normal blood pressure.

06-02-13, 15:50
120/80 is the "perfect" blood pressure, yes, but then again: who is perfect? :)

My blood pressure is checked monthly by my herbalist, and last time it was a bit on the low side, but as he (and I) both thought: "If I'm alive, and I don't feel unwell, I'm not going to worry about it". Your BP may have always been a bit on the low side, throughout your whole life, but because you didn't know about it, you didn't worry about it. Sometimes more information is not always good :)

06-02-13, 20:07
My bp is always between 95/60 - 110/70, my gp says that's a good thing!

SSRI antidepressants tend to lower bp a bit.

Just out of interest, what blood group are the guys with low bp's?

06-02-13, 21:37
Hi :D

**Just out of interest, what blood group are the guys with low bp's?**

On my blood donor card is says, A RH Positive :D:yesyes:

Daisy Sue
06-02-13, 21:42
my most average reading is 110/70.. but i've often had a much lower reading, & still been walking around, albeit i do sometimes get lightheaded when it's lower..

recent anxiety has given me high readings for the first time ever, which scared me more than a little when i first saw it that high, but it goes back to normal when i calm down, so i'm not overly concerned..

my blood group is Apos.

06-02-13, 22:29
Annie, oh ok thanks for that, I was just wondering as I really don't know much about blood pressure, huh I wonder if I can blame the blood pressure for my dizziness lol : )

Jill thanks for the reply, don't worry I won't over check myself, luckily my blood pressure isn't something I'd worry about, well not unless it was dangerously low, but in that case it would come in hand.

I'm half afraid of the thing to be honest, as I always fear it'll over inflate haha and get too tight on my arm but I know it's not like it's hard to turn it off : )

Got, woah that's kinda low but I guess if your doctor says it ok, it must be. I have more of a fast heart rate, I average about 80 beats a minute, I don't know if you're very athletic? I guess you can pretend you are : ) It's normal for them to have lower heart rates and blood pressure. Yeah I've never fainted before thankfully!

eLLE, I don't know what's usual for me as my doctors haven't ever told me my BP and I never asked about it : ) But I figured with my head rush thing I get and I can remember getting it since I was young, I used to tell my friends how I go blind for a few seconds after standing up and they didn't believe me! Blind as in the dim vision with all the spots, not total darkness.
It freaks my mum out when ever it happens for some reason, you'd think she'd be used to me by now, I get I must look like I might faint or something.
I figure fainting starts off like head rush but you actually end up passing out.

Angelia, I think I am A+ .I'll double check it to be sure. Well if your GP says it's a good thing, I mean as long as no one is fainting it's better to be a bit low than a bit high.

Daisy I don't know if my blood pressure gets lower when I am very dizzy as I've not checked.
I don't think anything too bad happens when it's high? I assume it's like when you get a high heart rate from anxiety and it does eventually go back to normal.

interesting a lot of you are A plus too!

06-02-13, 22:35
I am A positive

07-02-13, 08:06
Are we all A's? I'm A neg.