View Full Version : Why do you think this lymph node feels bigger

06-02-13, 05:26
I have a lymph node on my neck, it's jelly bean shaped (it's long not round) and I noticed it about 7 months ago and my Dr said it's completely normal.
I posted yesterday how anxious I've been about this lymph node because I felt it 2 days ago and it feels swollen, like it's not got longer or thinner, but it's like doubled in size on top if that makes sense? It's depth has swollen.
I kept playing with it and it eventually started to hurt. Now I'm sat here now and feeling it and it feels soft, small, moveable. I would check this gland maybe once a week sometimes every 2 weeks and I don't know whether me feeling it has anything to do with maybe feeling it at a different angle, obviously when your head is angled with your neck sticking out the lymph node would appear bigger. As of right now it remains the same size as it usually has, but when I turn my neck sideways it gets bigger and it's scary because it feels huge (when actually it's about 7mm x 2/3mm lol

So some questions I need answering.

My Dr felt it all that time ago, but if it has grown or is swollen, will he be able to tell? I want him to feel it and not just cart me off (I don't think he would) I want him to tell me that he remembers it from before and that it feels the same or that yes it's swollen but it's not dangerous, if that makes sense lol

secondly, can allergies and acne make your lymph nodes swell up? I had 2 huge painful spots on the back of my neck, when I say huge I mean big enough that one made me shake in pain when I tried to pop it and this lymph node is about 3/4 cm away from the area that one of the spots was near and about 2cm to the other, could either of these reasons be the cause for swelling?

Thirdly, can Lymph nodes just grow and not be cancerous? If this lymph node was cancer it wouldn't be one such as throat cancer etc as it's soft, moveable, small...
I read that some people have lymphoma and their lymph nodes could move and felt normal, so it could be that :(

ergh this is so stressful, not eaten in 18 hours and I've just woken up.
I hate this..so much.

06-02-13, 15:47
I went through a lot with a larger than normal (2.5cm) node in my neck last year. It did return to 'normal' but must still be 1.5cm or so. I am told this is ok (I had 2 ultrasounds)
Over this time I became a bit of a self proclaimed expert.

Your node doesn't sound alarming. It may not even be a node, it may be from the acne. But assuming it is a node, yes acne or even a cut can cause changes. Because of how lymph nodes are formed (there are no blood vessels to drain) they drain slowly and often can stay larger than they were. So yes they can grow and not be cancer.

Playing with the node will make it bigger. Think about if you had a cut on your finger, or a pimple, and kept rubbing and poking. It gets irrated.

And a Dr cannot tell if it has grown, but they can tell if it is alarming. Cancerous nodes tend to grow pretty fast, and our pretty distinct. Dr's are trainied in this.

07-02-13, 02:36
If it was cancer it would grow the size a chickens egg, that's not even an exaggeration. I've had mine for 2 months now and its not going, but its normal they swell up all the time. I believe thinking about it and worrying actually makes it worse. Stop prodding it, you'll make yourself feel worse. Trust your doctor.