View Full Version : Feel really funny-stress kids headache

04-09-06, 19:11
Hi every1

im feeling really wierd at the moment. i went to work everything fine and ok, but as soon as i got home the kids were arguing dp was painting the lounge and i all of a sudden got a headache at the front, as if i wanted to close my eyes, any way it was really getting on my nerves and i noticed i was getting hot and sweaty., then my eyes went odd, it was like the begining of an optical migrain, like flicking and i couldnt focus, i closed my eyes for 10 mins and it went, now im really panicing, could it be my sinus's again or something else??? my temples feel really pressured and my eyes to.

it dosnb't help that i had earache again earlier and now im really worrying bout throat cancer,

im so annoyed with myself, any1 ever had this??
leanne xx

i just wanna feel normal

04-09-06, 19:43

Yes I get this a lot - the thing that rang most true with me is wanting to close my eyes.I really can't help you out as to why this is, but if you can just sit quietly for a couple of minutes, every now and then, I find that although it doesn't get rid of the headache, it helps calm me a bit.

Hope this helps.


04-09-06, 19:52
Hi Carly

thanks alot hun, its just occured to me that i worry even when im fine, i worry about when it will happen, so now im fine no headache but im still continually thinking about what happened 2 hours ago.

cheers me dears it means alot when some1 replys

leanne xx

i just wanna feel normal

05-09-06, 16:07

still feeling grooty 2day, some1 please tell me that sinus problems can make you feel as if your head is gonna explode, my temples are bad too today, im getting so scared thinking its a blockage somewhere.

ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh im so sick of it all

leanne xx

i just wanna feel normal

05-09-06, 18:24
Hi there, Yes, sinus probs. cause the most awful symptoms, heavy head, dizzyness, block up nose/ears, tiredness (cos of lack of sleep etc.) the list is so long? Please feel re-assured that it is nothing more serious. Yes, It is awful , but i can promise you will survive, although be it so very painful at the moment. xxxx

05-09-06, 18:46
Hi Carlin

thanks so much, i was having a bit of a panic earlier. i just want to feel ok for more than a day or so, its really getting me down.

thanks hun
leanne xx

i just wanna feel normal