View Full Version : Occupational Health appointment today :(

06-02-13, 08:45
So...this'll be the second OH appointment that my company's paid for...but I still don't think it's going to change anything. The last one I had was at the start of last year, where the OH doctor recommended some working from home, among other things, and my employer refused to accept any of it.

I mentioned in my previous post that my employer has told me to give up my blog - I had to apply for second job permission two years ago as it's making a tiny amount of advertising revenue. Permission was granted, but I've now been told that permission has been removed as they think it's affecting my health (but can't actually tell me HOW). Definitely going to speak to OH about this, as the blog's a great form of distraction when I'm feeling awful in the evenings.

Apart from that, I don't know how to approach this appointment. I'm feeling victimised at work (being told my work isn't up to scratch when I've not been given the information I need or told how my boss wants it done, etc) but am wary about saying too much to OH as they're employed by work. Any advice? :(

Em x

06-02-13, 09:18
Hi Emily,

No advice really other than perhaps looking for another job - from what you've said in previous posts about your employers they sound spectacularly unsupportive. As I understand it OH are meant to be impartial? But then I've just had my first referral to them so perhaps that's wishful thinking!

Really I just wanted to say good luck, just be honest and open and let us know later how it's gone x

06-02-13, 12:46
Am starting to think that another job might be the way forward, it feels like I'm being forces out though which is horrible :( And there's no guarantee that a new place will be any different!

On my way up there now (it's miles from my office too, which doesn't help) so will report back afterwards... Thanks fr the positive message :) x

---------- Post added at 12:46 ---------- Previous post was at 11:09 ----------

So...OH are going to recommend to my employer that I cut down to a 4 day week. Don't know if I'll be able to afford to do that, and as my employer keeps telling me that my role is a "full time, office based role" I'm now scared that they'll end up changing my role and giving me a pay cut. Feel worse after that appointment than I did when I went in :(

06-02-13, 17:47
Ah, sorry to hear that Emily. Do YOU feel that a 4 day week would help (taking money out of the equation)?

In my experience every company has a completely different culture. I went from a positive, supportive environment 3 years ago to a company that was just awful - cut-throat, humourless and frankly horrendous. I left in September and the company I am with now has been welcoming and now I am off, even though I've only been there 5 minutes, they have just been great with me. If I'm honest I got bad vibes from the last place at interview stage but I ignored them - this time round my gut instinct said "Yes!" and it was right. But I had the same fears as you before I left - my self-confidence was knocked and I started to think "is it me"? - Well, it's not, and I'm glad I didn't stay trapped in that place just because of fear.

What do you have to lose?

Good luck to you whatever you decide to do :hugs: