View Full Version : On the up...

06-02-13, 09:49
Just reflecting on the last 4 weeks since I had my "meltdown" and was signed off work. I am starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel yet looking back at the day I threw in the towel I couldn't see how I could ever feel human again. 4 weeks isn't long really and although I am not there yet, I'm so much better than I was. Mornings are still tough but I'm not paralysed with fear any more.

I'm due back at work next Tuesday and although that frightens me a bit, I keep reminding myself that I was enjoying it before I got sick, and it feels more manageable now than it has done before

Thought it might be helpful to list some things that have helped me:

- Spending time with my closest, most supportive friends, talking things over
- Forcing myself to do something outside of the house every day
- Re-learning my sleep pattern - with tablets for the first few days and then naturally
- Baking and cooking - always therapeutic for me!
- Citalopram - once I got over the first week of awfulness, they are definitely making a difference
- This website - posting, reading and replying. Knowing I'm not alone
- Getting lost in a good book
- Distractions like board games in the evening instead of TV, doesn't let my mind wander into the fear and panic
- Cuddles from my lovely husband. He has no idea what to say, bless him, but a hug is enough sometimes
- Cuddles with my 2 cats - I swear they know when I'm down or scared
- Affirmations, particularly those that remind me to be kind with myself. I don't find it easy to do but I'm working on it!
- Gentle exercise

I hope I'm not tempting fate by posting this - every day is different and tomorrow I might have taken a step back again, but I hope it helps anyone who, like me a few weeks ago, can't see a way out of the blackness and fear. It will get better. :)

06-02-13, 10:33
Thank you for sharing this. I am also starting to see some light at the end of the tunnel although I must admit that there are days when I get scared wondering if I will go back down again, I just have to keep reminding myself of the positives.

Vanilla Sky
06-02-13, 17:16
Sounds to me like you are on the up , feels good doesnt it :hugs:

little scientist
06-02-13, 17:22
Go Sunshine!

A lot of the things you list help me too (replace cat with rat lol....yes rats!). My pets know when I need calming, my other half is very huggy, making myself do *something* everyday apart from work, and something other than TV...something that makes me concentrate, say cross stitch in my case :). I am re-reading my affirmations today after having a bit of a blip :)

What a good list, and keep it up :)