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View Full Version : Thought I'd let everyone know.

06-02-13, 12:33
If you've read any of my old posts you'll know I suffer health anxiety badly..

In the last two weeks I've been health anxiety free, I haven't had any CBT or medication, I've just all if a sudden felt 'good'. I believe its because I'm not punishing myself and for once I'm looking at my symptoms realistically.

All the symptoms I've had in the past month were all neurological and I've seen alot of posts about the fear of having MS but let me just tell you I haven't had any of these neurological symptoms in the past few weeks and now I know that they were all health anxiety related.

The only thing that's really changes in the last two weeks is that I'm not in the internet as much, I've been distracting myself by reading books and playing app games on my phone.

I do get the odd headache and neck tension but for some reason I'm really big worried. Im not saying I'm cured of health anxiety, I'm just saying that its very manageable treatment or not.

I'm getting CBT soon which I know should help me as I could get a relapse today tomorrow or in a weeks time.

So for all of you worrying about pins and needles, eye pain, muscle weakness, fatigue.. Don't. You're only feeding your health anxiety. Try and relax easier said than done, but do try and distract yourself and keep telling yourself its going to be okay.

07-02-13, 02:42
Hi I know this isn't related to anxiety but I was wondering if anyone has coeliac? I've recently been diagnosed but I'm sure I've had it all my life. For years I've felt overly tired, week, ill, have had digestive problems, skin problems, anemia. I really believe once I starr in my gluton free diet I'll have more energy and my mood will pick up.