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View Full Version : Ribs on right side sticking out

06-02-13, 13:18
Firstly i want to say i suffer terrible health anxiety. My obsession just now is my right ribs stick out further thank my left. I was concerned about it a few month ago and went to see my doctors about it and she said its normal. After that i was fine so why am i now worrying again. I notice them protruding above my right breast in the shower again and now i'm panickig again. Please help

06-02-13, 14:17
You are obviously thin enough to see your ribs! I wish:D

Variations in the body are completely normal. I have a large lump on one of my ribs close to the sternum just under my neck and only found it once when I lost alot of weight and was thin, I rushed to Dr and of course like you was told it was just a bony spur and completely normal.

Women have breasts different sizes and shapes, etc etc the list is endless.
Have you ever seen a osteopath,physio type person as they will be able to tell you if your posture is not good and this is causing your body to be out of line??

06-02-13, 15:57
Firstly i want to say i suffer terrible health anxiety. My obsession just now is my right ribs stick out further thank my left. I was concerned about it a few month ago and went to see my doctors about it and she said its normal. After that i was fine so why am i now worrying again. I notice them protruding above my right breast in the shower again and now i'm panickig again. Please help

I have the same thing. I got a Chest Xray and CT scan. It came out clear. Apparently one of my ribs is bigger than the other. It's right above the right breast/pec area for me also. I am a guy btw. So if you're concerned then check it out.

I don't know whether for me it has always been like that. Or the gym caused it to move. No idea.

Let me know what you think.

06-02-13, 16:08
I noticed that one side of my ribs stuck out more than the other a couple of years ago & saw my GP who said it was normal & nobody is symmetrical .. So don't worry, maybe visit your GP for peace of mind :)

06-02-13, 16:44
I do trust the doctor saying its normal i think its just my stupid anxiety again. It can go away for weeks and i'm fine then come back with a vengeance. Thank u all for your replies they have helped ease my mind :)