View Full Version : Also new and struggling today

06-02-13, 14:04
I have had long term issues with anxiety and panic which seem to come totally out of the blue. I have been on seroxat for 7 years and have generally done well, lived a normal life whilst getting the dose down to 10mgs for the last 2 years. When I collected my last script I was given a generic brand of paroxatine rather than seroxat. No problem I thought. Should be same stuff. 2 weeks later and I am in a terrible state. Constant panic, no sleep, banging head, racing heart and very restless. I haven't felt like this for a long time. Managed to get my gp to give me another script for seroxat so will see how that goes. Has anyone else had similar issues or is it just me? I can't believe I am here again. This site may well save my sanity!

06-02-13, 14:15
Hi Darbysa

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

06-02-13, 14:57
Hello and welcome to the site :hugs:

I have been on Seroxat for 5 years and it literally saved my life...I have never wanted to come off it because it has been the best Med for me...
However over the last couple of years I have become complacent and stopped really looking after myself, exercising, eating well, etc because I felt so well you think you always will and forget to take care of yourself, I smoked and drank too much also.
I had bad Flu in Jan and stopped drinking at the same time, it made me quite ill being sick and for some reason it triggered the whole Anxiety/Panic etc thing off again...but I know the Seroxat is still helping or I would be 10 times worse, I know from being there before...lol
I have always taken the Seroxat brand...there is a difference with the Generic as I found out once but Doctors and Pharmacists will tell you there isn't!.

So anyway I'm sort of half way back at square one as well and just can't believe it either..but I have faith in Seroxat and I have learned a big lesson that I have to look after myself all the time and I use CBT..it's got to be an ongoing thing..

So that hasn't helped you...

Just hang in there and you'll be alright, really look after yourself and keep your mind as busy as you can doing something you like, easier said than done i know lol
Don't entertain the horrible thoughts and Panic...it'll take a bit of time but you will be ok...the Seroxat will get working properly soon too...

You can PM me anytime if you like and everyone on here knows how you feel, they're a great bunch

Carmel x :hugs:

06-02-13, 15:08
Thank you so much for taking time to respond. I really hope the seroxat kicks in soon. I've always felt well on it bar the occasional blip. Funny you should say that about being ill as I have been struggling with a bad cold for about a month. And I can totally relate to the smoking and drinking!
You're right. I need to take stock.
Thanks again


06-02-13, 16:17
Hi :welcome: I was on seroxat for 17 yrs and stupidly thought they weren't working as well. Started trying to come of them in July. Have ended up in a right old mess terrible anxiety ( wish I hadn't bothered to come off them). Been off work since oct:scared15: have been getting cbt which seems to help. Am now on Prozac and mirtazapine since start of December. Every time they increase my dosage now at 60 mgs Prozac and 30mgs of mirt my anxiety goes up. Maybe you could try and increase your seroxat to 20 mgs just until it settles you down again. My psych keeps telling me to give the Prozac more time:scared15: keep in touch :):)

06-02-13, 16:33
Hi I'm Blondiegirl and I have been dealing with this anxiety and panic for a year now. The doctor has me currently on Zanex and I want to get off of it because I heard that you can get dependent on it I to have experienced racing heart rate, No sleep, hot sweets, Panic attacks, restlessness, NO energy to do any thing. I'm afraid to go anywhere to do to these feelings hitting me when I'm in public, I feel like I have to escape. When I go to the doctors I'm so on edge that my heart rate goes way up and that scares me also. Has any one of your heart rates gone up when you have these attacks?? I wanted to know what is seroxat?? and is it addictive like Zanex? Please let me know. Thank U:D

06-02-13, 17:00
Hi Blondegirl
Zanex is a Benzodiazepine, a Psychoactive drug which is fast acting...which you have been given to help you...
While Seroxat (Paroxetine) is an SSRI Anti-depressant drug which is not fast acting, it has to be taken over a period of time and can take a few weeks to start working.

Carmel x:hugs:

06-02-13, 20:28
:welcome: I'm also on Seroxat and same as you have been for 7 years. I have never been given any of the generics. My doc when i saw him last week did say that the generic brands would not make a dif, but i dont believe that the generics must be cheaper for the NHS. GOODLUCK:yesyes:

Daisy Sue
06-02-13, 21:00
hi & welcome, Darbysa :)

06-02-13, 21:11
Carmel, Thank u for the input on the difference of the two prescriptions. Do you deal with everyday anxiety as for me it is a every day struggle,

07-02-13, 07:07
Well at least I managed to sleep last night:D. Thanks all for your good wishes. It does help. Blondiegirl, yes, when I am like this I do have constant anxiety and my heart rate goes up. I think you'll find that's the same for everyone. The symptoms page on this site gives a very good description of the symptoms and why they happen. Even for an old hat like me who knows this stuff inside out it does help to go back and read through it. Do try and do the breathing exercises if you can. They do help if you keep practising though I know that sometimes its hard to keep focused. Been there, bought the shirt etc......