View Full Version : Pregabalin, Diazapam and ibroprofen/Codeine

06-02-13, 14:09
Hi it's me asking about meds again. I have been taking 225mg Pregabalin twice a day and 6-10mg Diazapam if and when needed. I suffer from depression and anxiety along with severe back pain. The docs won't give me any pain killers but I want to try Ibroprofen and codeine. Any one take these meds already and is it ok to take them together ? Sometimes my back is so bad work is near impossible. Also my anxiety is at an all time high atm. :-(.

06-02-13, 14:49
I take lyrica and co codamol but with no ibuprofen. Didn't notice any side effects but we all are different so better check with your doc first.
Why doesn't he want to give you any pain meds?
Is it coz you take lyrica (which off label is used for neuropathic pain).

06-02-13, 15:58
Yeh because lyrica is apparently meant to be helping with the pain but isn't. How much codeine do you take then and does it help ?

06-02-13, 16:22
Hi. I take Prozac, diazepam and mirtazapine with co-condomol 30/500 I have also taken Brufen 600mgs. I have had no side effects check with your doc or chemist. Hope you feel better soon:flowers:

06-02-13, 18:19
Yeh because lyrica is apparently meant to be helping with the pain but isn't. How much codeine do you take then and does it help ?only 8/500 mg. My pain relief is poor but I suffer from rather nasty spine deformity.

06-02-13, 19:53
I take lyrica just increased to 450mg 25mg diazepam. ibuprofen is contraindicated with lyrica so is codeine so are 99% of painkillers so is diazepam. because they all cause respiratory distress. doc will probably let you have stronger painkillers if you give up the diazepam. but your giving yourself a very dangerous cocktail if you add. paracetamol is the only safe bet just Google contraindicated with lyrica. all the meds are moderately indicated you mention mixing 3 or 4 is a bad move. discuss with your doctors there is good reason they will not prescribe. I am at a nasty mix stage and have to rapidly decrease diazepam because of the mix with lyrica. They both work on gaba and are causing more Aniexty and aggravating my asthma and breathing. my doctors are scratching there heads about rapid diazepam withdrawal and lyrica increase. They are not meant to be prescribed together ever ! But I am diazepam dependent. Good luck sorry your in pain but don't throw more problems in the mix Hannah x