View Full Version : neuro doctor and worried

06-02-13, 14:28
hello all ,ive been haven a lot of head pressure ,with dizziness and weakness, in legs ,and a lot of other issues ,well anyways ,I go to neruo doc he wants a mri and a mra so I say ok and do it ,well I go see him yesterday and he says they both came back clear ,so he said sense I am haven head pressure still that he would like to do a spainal tap I freak out bad and said no he was wanting to check the pressure I guess he said to much pressure in head can cause blindness, now all I can think of is me going blind I cant stop panicing and now neruo doc wants me back in every 2 months I am so scared he wants me back to check my vision and told me if I get blurry eyes to come in asap :(can anyone help

06-02-13, 16:19
You should be happy that your results came back normal! It's probably all anxiety, you got the all clear in your results, it can't get much better then that!

06-02-13, 16:22
There is not anything I can say to help,or put you mind at rest only to follow the doctors advice,because if there is anything wrong the sooner it is treated the better.
I hope all goes well xx

06-02-13, 23:04
Have you asked the neuro exactly why he wants these tests and what clnincal signs he is basing them on. I know from a friend of mine in the states that Drs over there tend to order as many tests as possible compared to UK Drs as they get paid more the more tests they do whereas over here they don't.

Have you seen an opthalmic surgeon (eye) as they can tell if you have raised cranial pressure from thorough eye exam alone but this is not something your neuro can do.

Lumbar puctures which is what he is wanting to do are risky and here in Uk they would only do one if you had very definite clinical signs of a major problem.

I think you need to question your neuro more closely and get him to spell out his concerns and reasons for wanting a risky test.

07-02-13, 01:29
the CT and MRI would show up any swelling and things that can cause that head pressure.
But the lumbar puncture would show if there was any increased pressure and the spinal fluid really would show up if any at all was wrong.

Honest don't be scared, the worst that might happen is you can get a headache afterwards. I was pretty sedated when they did mine so I don't remember a whole lot. You could maybe see if they'd give you some sedatives too.I think you do need to stay lying down for a while afterwards and that prevents the headache.

They warn you before hand that you may feel numbness in your leg after but that it doesn't last too long.

They do numb you up first, a bit like when you go to the dentist. You might feel a few odd sensations, but nothing painful or scary.

All in all isn't not that bad at all, I'm more scared and uncomfortable going to the dentist lol.

Complications are very rare, but like everything there's always risk involved.

how bad is the head pressure? How does it feel?
You know sinus issues can cause a head pressure sensations too.
ask the doctor why he wants you to have more tests and maybe get a 2nd opinion?

just that all the other tests came back normal and well I get dizziness, daily headaches and sometimes head and face pressure but it's mainly due to my sinuses.

I'm a bit concerned if the doctor is trying to scare you into getting the test, I'd understand if something showed up in the tests but they were all clear.

If you even go to specsavers, they do a full eye exam, including an eye pressure test for glaucoma and they look into your eyes with that light. The eyes are the windows to your brain : )

It could be worth asking you GP what he or she thinks as well.

08-02-13, 19:05
I went to eye doctor last year and he said I don't need glasses and mt eyes were fine ,and I also told him about the head pressure and he said all is good on his end and for me to go see a neuro doctor maybe ,so I did and I had a ct scan which was normal ,then still haven head pressure so he ordered a MRI and MRA od brain ,which mra is to look at veins and the blood flow threw them and that all came back good ,he ask if I still had head pressure I said yes he said then lets try physical therapy then if that don't work then well do spinal tap ,I don't want to do spinal tap it sounds scary ,but I guess maybe he thinks I maybe have to fluild or pressure in head maybe that's why he wants to do the tap.but ive had this head pressure for 5 years on and off,its maily in front of head top of head eyes and n forhead ,but it gets so bad I cant left my head ,feels like I have heavy bricks sitting on head ...my nose is clogged 99% of the time and I have face pain ,blurry eyes it sounds like sinies to me also but wouldn't he show sinues on mri ,....thanks for all your replys ..

08-02-13, 21:09
oh well that's good, your brain showed up as healthy and you even had the veins and blood vessels looked at!

That's where I get my head pressure, sometimes I get intense pressure behind my cheek bones and it feels like they explode, but I did have a shadow, maybe cyst or polyp show up in the sinus area when I had a dental x ray, n still waiting for that to be investigated...

Have you had your sinus checked out?
Have you started the physical therapy yet?

if the head pressure is very bad and from what you said about not being able to lift your head, I guess you need to decide if you want to the spinal tap, but I do think it might help to talk it over with another doctor perhaps.

Did you ask them if they scanned the sinuses? I don't know how it works but they might only have scanned the brain or something? If they hadn't it would be worth getting a mri done of the sinus or see an ENT. N maybe get that test where they put the camera down your nose as that could show up inflammation or something that the other tests wouldn't pick up on.

One side of my nose is always blocked and sometimes the sinues can drain down the back of my throat.

the sinus doe go under your eyes and around, the fore head and cheeks so I guess that's how they cause the pressure, they can also block the tubes by your ears causing dizziness.

You can get a sea salt nose spray which is good for clearing out the nose, the salt helps the skin heal and dries up all the mucous, have you noticed if sudafed, decongestants or allergy medications improve your pressure at all?

08-02-13, 21:45
well when I read my mri report ,it did say something about sinues which I am no doctor and I didn't understand it lol of course , doctor never said nothing about sinues so maybe they looked ok ,but yes I am gonna try to get a ent appointment ,soon ,

10-02-13, 03:03
of course I went to google for answers ,I know I shouldn't have it only made me worse :( ...google says that to much cranial pressure can cause blindness I am freaking out scared ill go blind ....do I go ahead with the spinal tap ..or do I say enough is enough with this health anx ,I mean MRI and MRV ..AND CT SCAN was al clear and now neuro wants to do a spainal tap I am just so scared don't no what to do but I am doing nothing but worring so bad ..is it possible for anxiety to cause this head pressure allday long everyday ....

10-02-13, 03:31
jessica, i just PM'd you

10-02-13, 16:18
thanks all for your support ,and replys ,I think I worrie about this so much that I make it worse and as the lady said ^ above all test were clear and I should be happy about that ,,that's the thing with health anx seems after u get the all clear from doc something else always pops up ,ive had the head pressure for 5 years so I was thinking if it was serious then I am sure something bad would of happen by now .somedays are better than others ,but I go in march for my cranial therapy I will see if that helps .....thanks again

20-02-13, 21:25
today I went to doctor and I got a name for what they think "" I have the never said for sure I do ...but its called pseudotumour cerebrial has anyone heard this befor let me know thanks :/

21-02-13, 13:15
anyone ?

27-02-13, 14:37
what I may have is called pseudotumour cerebrial ...he thinks thatswhats causeing the head pressure ....has anyone heard of this ?

27-02-13, 14:41
I don't really know too much about it but I think it can go away after a few months. Did your doctor explain it to you?

27-02-13, 20:10
NO not really I don't no anything I just been worry so much .

06-03-13, 01:47
pressure bad again ughhh wish I wasn't scared to do the spinal tap :(