View Full Version : Histamine-Adrenaline. The Connection!!!!

06-02-13, 14:42
Yesterday I came across a series of articles which might finally yield an explanation to at least part of my problem. This might or might not apply to you.

http://www.histamine-intolerance.info/ (http://www.histamine-intolerance.info/)

I’ve suffered from allergies all my life, sneezing, colds, you name it. I was born with an IgA deficiency so it contributed to that, now while I have had mild OCD all my life Health Anxiety in its vicious form has only been my companion since August 2012. In its mild form I’ll say since April 2012 when I lost a loved one. The one thing that changed in August that took me from how I felt before, i.e. worrying about my health but not daily, having mild Panic Attacks once every two months, and having digestive disturbance perhaps a couple of times a week, to daily Panic Attacks alternating with extreme fatigue, daily digestive disturbance, abdominal pains, shortness of breath, dizziness, aches and pains everywhere, feeling of pins and needles, and also burning skin and flushing, was that I visited my parents in South Florida, and also went for a week to the Caribbean. So turns out I got infected with Giardia Lamblia, and Blastocystis Hominis, both known to cause inflammation, and to make the body produce Cytokines, and you guessed it, tons and tons of histamine. It’s very likely that I’ve had H.Pylori for a while now, it was just that the H.Pylori itself was not enough to break havoc in my body, but it did enough damage as to infect my gallbladder and made me have it removed in January 2011. Now, what is the classical antihistamine produced by our bodies??? You guessed it: Adrenaline!!!! What is the classical anti-inflammatory produced by our bodies?? Cortisol!!!! So you see the stress hormones are not so bad, they are in fact design to do us good. The problem arises when our body is continuously producing histamine, or continuously being inflamed. In my case, the stress coupled with the foreign bugs I acquired took my Adrenal Glands out of control, hence why I experienced such periods of extreme anxiety, followed by anxiety with extreme fatigue. In my case I’ve treated the H.Pylori using antibiotics, and the two bugs using Antiparasites, but it wouldn’t be rare if they are still on my system, I still have to wait two weeks before I can retest for their presence. The down side is that even while treating the bugs with medicine, often times Antibiotics create inflammation too, so more histamine, and more adrenaline. Hopefully, the recovery won’t take long, as this is taking a heavy toll in my life, and it is frustrating to have all this aches and pains at the age of 25.

This might not be the case for you, or it might be, but my point is that often times a lot of IBS is in fact parasites, and food intolerance that arises from having those nasty bugs will break havoc in your bodies, so instead of thinking about having Brain/Esophageal/Stomach/Lymphoma/You_name_it Cancer, or Heart Disease, often times it is the little things that make you sick.

10-08-14, 03:39
Please try taking quercetin+bromelain, available at any health food store. This mix has a strong effect on the histamine metabolism. Start at a low dose - higher dose can dry your throat very badly (at least it does to me). This supplement can be taken for a long time, without any side effects. I take it only at bedtime, but you can try a small dose in the morning also, if your symptoms are very troubling.
Try to avoid foods that increase histamine production , for example, I need to avoid avocado, spinach and mushrooms. You can find out which foods don't suit you by trial and error.
If you have severe acidity, please try taking H2 blockers (for example - zantac) after discussing it with your doctor. I do not know any supplement or food that can do this job.
Hope this helps.

10-08-14, 04:21
For acidity, honestly it can't hurt to try Bragg's organic apple cider vinegar. Sounds completely illogical, I know. But it does work, a sort of fight-fire-with-fire effect. Put a good tablespoon or a little more of the vinegar in a juice glass, add honey or agave syrup, about 2 teaspoons, (or sugar) and stir. Then add the same amount of water to the glass and toss in 1/4 of a teaspoon or a little more of baking soda and stir briskly. Drink this down while still fizzing and walk quickly around the house or go for a walk outside. Keep moving as long as the gas seems to be breaking up. If you start to burp within one minute of taking the "gin fizz", then it means you have indeed had a lot of acidity in your stomach!

I have used this for almost 2 years now, and I'll have a second "fizz" if my stomach upset/gastric reflux/heartburn is really bad. I have managed to leave behind the Nexium I was on for 4 years. I have had ulcers, so I can't manage too much fat or spices some days, but I credit the Bragg's and also identifying my triggers (soy, dairy) to clearing up my "IBS".

I don't know whether you have Bragg's where you live or not, but for some reason, I have found it has to be Bragg's as the clearer, filtered apple cider vinegars just don't work. They call the dark material in the vinegar "the mother", and it must be a concentrated form of the acid. I would imagine any dark unfiltered organic apple cider vinegar may work also. The ACV slams the door on the esophagus, stopping the gastric reflux, and the bicarbonate of soda breaks up the gas. Simple, natural chemistry at work! :winks: