View Full Version : I'm back :)

little scientist
06-02-13, 16:40
Hey guys, thought I'd pop back and say hello. I've not been here for a good month or so (well have popped back from time to time to read threads). I've had a fairly good month - one blip in early January over driving into London which I had a bit of a panic attack over.

Having a current blip right now, in the last 36 hours or so I have just sensed feeling not right and a bit down in the dumps (with no real reason) so am trying my best to counteract it with the CBT I have learnt so far and monitoring my thoughts. I realised that in January I had stopped writing in my diary, even when things were good and I think monitoring my mood in this way is quite good for me.

I'm wondering if a recent bout of antibiotics might have upset my mood....thoughts would be appreciated :)

Meanwhile, hope you are all well out there, and keep smiling and trying to be positive :)

little scientist
07-02-13, 09:59
So not the best of nights last night. I know I slept but I remember being wide awake at about 6am and having to go to the loo, then I am fairly sure I went back to sleep. I know I had sleep but I don't think it was very good quality sleep and I just feel like a zombie - not all here.

I just feel really unsettled and as if something is bothering me, but I just don't know what.

07-02-13, 10:28
Hi there

I am also having a blip at the moment. It's so disappointing when things have been going well. Like you I have been on antibiotics and trying to blame them for the way I am feeling but I think we both know that's not very likely.
I've also tried blaming a switch from my prescribed seroxat (been on it for 7years with few problems) to a generic paroxatine brand.
I personally think I'm clutching at straws and just looking for something rather than accept this is just me.
I really hope this is just a minor blip for both of us. I am finding being on here really helpful.
Get well and stay well.


07-02-13, 10:36
Nice to hear from you again little scientist but not nice to hear that you are feeling anxious again :(. It is as you say though, just a little blip and we are going to get these little blips now and again. It is important that you tell yourself that it won't last long and focus on the positives. It may just be your bodies way of saying you need some rest and yes antibiotics can make you feel tired and feeling tired may trigger anxiety. So, rest and pamper yourself for a few days. My friend bought me some Sanctuary spa night, bath float. (It is in a purple bottle) and a matching eye mask. I had a bath in it the last 2 nights and had the best nights sleep for over a year. It is quite expensive but I must go and buy some more! :D

little scientist
07-02-13, 11:47
Thanks guys - I realised part way through the month that I was beginning to do what I had previously done, which is not keep an eye on myself. I had been feeling good and so my mind just thought great - I don't need to do anymore, I'm feeling great etc when I think we all know thats not true...we have to work at this constantly, one batch of CBT isn't a cure all, its something we have to work on long term. Because I had been poorly (I had full on flu with a chest infection resulting in the antibiotics) I hadn't been exercising and I think I started to slip into old habits. I had also had neck problems which stopped me doing yoga and aerobics.

So tonight, I'm off to the swimming pool for a gentle swim to get the heart rate up and pumping, and I am determined to try and get back to aerobics and yoga next week :) I think just getting my lungs working properly again after a virus like mine might help them to feel better rather than just sitting and waiting?

I have the flat to myself tonight (my other half is away at a training course) so I can just chill.

Fingers crossed this is just a short lived blip :)

---------- Post added at 11:47 ---------- Previous post was at 11:44 ----------

Hi there

I am also having a blip at the moment. It's so disappointing when things have been going well. Like you I have been on antibiotics and trying to blame them for the way I am feeling but I think we both know that's not very likely.
I've also tried blaming a switch from my prescribed seroxat (been on it for 7years with few problems) to a generic paroxatine brand.
I personally think I'm clutching at straws and just looking for something rather than accept this is just me.
I really hope this is just a minor blip for both of us. I am finding being on here really helpful.
Get well and stay well.


I too am very guilty for clutching at straws! But yeah this place is helpful for me too - just having that support from like minded people helps knowing you arent on your own in all of this.

little scientist
08-02-13, 13:48
Good news is today I am feeling quite good - maybe its having that friday feeling hehe

08-02-13, 13:53
Hip hip hooray!

I am feeling a bit better today too.

Let's keep it up.
