View Full Version : rapid withdrawal diazepam

06-02-13, 20:13
Anyone done a rapid withdrawal from diazepam.I am on 25mg daily. dropped from 30 slowly. now it's fighting with increase to 375mg tommorow 450mg of lyrica. frankly I want to throw benzodiazepines in the bin. The lyrica is much more effective. I have been on diazepam for 6 months. was just reading about seizure withdrawal and possible death eeckk ! sure they must mean higher dose than mine hopefully. Been more agitated since last increase and more tomorrow. know they both work on gaba and don't mix. taken zero diazepam today. has anyone else binned the benzos ? thanks Hannah x

09-02-13, 01:41
100 hours benzo free ! no panic attacks phew. defiantly withdrawal symptoms sweating and restless broken irregular sleep hours to fall asleep for 2-4 hours rest. thankfully my asthma and peak flow improving. so I can breath better. dreading more withdrawal symptoms and Atos medical Wednesday. Doctors said all residue of diazepam will be gone by then. feel drunk and spaced on lyrica increase not walking straight. Doctors also suspect pmdd on top of general Aniexty disorder. They want to add ssri's to my drug cocktail. Feeling like a science experiment gone wrong. Have emergency diazepam (docs insisted) in case of spasms/seizures/attacks. would kill for a good nights sleep... May kill Atos inspector Wednesday then pass out. will probably still be declared work fit. February is not playing out well !

09-02-13, 05:12
diazepam has a short life of about 5 hours and have you been taking them on a daily basis ? Lyrica is a med i have taken with diazepam but though i know it helps many it didn't help me, except for weight gain. I believe it was originally used for epilpesy (sp) but it is now used widely as an anti depressant.