View Full Version : Lonliness and Panic

04-09-06, 21:00
Just wondered how many of us live alone or are lonely and have panic/anxiety? Thanks!

04-09-06, 22:27
Hi Neebie

I amlucky because although I have anxiety, I do live with others and I do not often feel alone. I guess everyone does sometimes.

That's not to say I don't despair or get depressed because I do. But this forum and my lovely husband give me a huge amount of support. Without these I would be very alone. So thank you to him and to you all.


04-09-06, 23:03
I am lucky to have a supportive hubby too, but he is the strong silent type - great listener but not a big talker! I feel lonely every now and again and when I do that's usually when I get a panic on!!!

07-09-06, 19:10
Great idea, I think loneliness is a huge contributor to mental ill health. I live alone and feel very lonely.

Blue -
"Your truth is better for you than someone else's. Just get to know what it is, so you can finally own it, and speak it."

07-09-06, 19:35
i have my 2 boys who are older now so now its making me more lonlier and anxious........................Linda[V]

07-09-06, 22:57
I feel completely emotionally alone. I have not one person that can sit with me and understand my mental health problems. I've tried talking about them, but i get stupid comments like "pull yourself together" and "If you ate properly you wouldn't be ill"....if it was only as easy as that!!!

08-09-06, 18:56
I live on my own but thats through choice - not a good one but when I decided to move I wanted to isolate myself as even being around my friends made me really anxious and uncomfortable. But now I'm ok being with my friends again and am lucky enough to have 5 really good friends who come over to my bedsit alot.
But I feel lonely even when my friends are over, but lonely in the sense that no one understands how I'm feeling as they haven't suffered from anxiety and depression so can't relate.

Zoe x

To be pushed is unwillingness, to push yourself is courage