View Full Version : anxiety and panic are controlling my life

07-02-13, 06:32
I no longer have control over my mind, anxiety, panic attacks.. no matter how much i tell myself its all in my head the physical symptoms are so overwhelming that its depressing. I cant work, i can concentrate, my relationships are non existent... i wouldnt wish panic disorder on my worst enemy. I feel so helpless.... :mad::weep::unsure:

07-02-13, 07:17
Hi GlobusGirl

I know how you feel. It can be very frightening to feel things are out of control. I have been through this a few times over the years but you can get through it. Keep telling yourself that today will be a better day. Are you getting any help?

07-02-13, 09:47
I have a psych appt monday and lately my 'lump in the throat'/ panic attacks have formed into fear of having an anaphylaxis reaction everytime i eat ANYTHING it just sounds crazy to write seeing as how everyone around me in my daily life just doesn't understand.. i sound nuts to them but the anxiety and fear are so real. Thanks for replying, to know someone took their time to reply makes me feel a smidge better.

07-02-13, 10:00
Feeling exactly the same at the moment, your not alone x

07-02-13, 10:29
You are certainly not alone in these feelings but it will get better. You need to accept the anxiety and then learn to challenge it and overcome it. I am starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel and I am starting to get out again after months of some days not even being able to leave my bed. Intense psychotherapy is helping me and the meds have helped also. I have just started to reduce my meds again. :hugs::hugs:

08-02-13, 02:18
I felt the same for years, didn't know what was wrong with me, i just wished i had never been born. Im 24 now and and this had been going on since i was a child and gradually got worse. I managed to stop the panic attacks myself a couple years ago by telling myself when they would start that it is just a panic attack, and no harm can come to me. However the anxiety was different, that was worse than ever and no matter what i tried it would not stop. So i decided it was time to get help and i went to see my doctor, she diagnosed me with generalised anxiety disorder [GAD] and gave me citalopram. Now this stuff was a god send to me i swear, after a few weeks on it i began to feel more normal and the anxiety was going, i had not felt that good in years. Then i started relaxing and listening to self hypnosis anxiety videos on youtube and this make me feel even beter. Now i have pretty much got my anxiety under control and my life back on track, the only slip i have had is when i went out drinking not so long ago and that caused the anxiety to come back with a vengance, so alcahol and anxiety do not mix well, but i am recovering from that now and things are looking up again. Please go out their and get the help, no one deserves to live like that. god bless.

08-02-13, 10:14
I feel exactly the same at the moment also. My Dr has put me on the medication of 50mg of Sertraline (only been on it for 2 weeks) but not feeling the benefit yet, my whole body feels as if it is shaking inside all the time. I just want not get anxious about normal every day things and ejoy doing things. I am off work at the moment also. I try to go out for a walk everyday also. I have a lovely family and friends who are helping but I just want to get better.


08-02-13, 10:30
Hi lyn

I know just how you feel. I too am blessed with great family and friends but I just want to get back to being me. I know we all feel like this on here and I guess that's part of the problem - concentrating too much on that rather than accepting where we are now and taking the steps to get there.

It makes perfect sense when I write it down but it's not much comfort at 3am when your hearts pounding and the room is spinning!

I have been off work for a few days and am hoping to go back on Monday. I am lucky that my colleagues are very supportive but sometimes even that doesn't help me to make that step out of the door.

Good luck to you and everyone else on here, especially those who feel they have no one to turn to. I find it helps to keep in touch with others in the same position. I may not actually know you but you all feel like friends.


08-02-13, 23:48
Yes im 23 and this is all new to me, had first therapy appt today and i was anxiety ridden the whole time. Got diagnosed wit PTSD, Panic Disorder and GAD my first session. I to cant wait for life to get 'normal' again but i know i have a long patient road ahead of me. Im taking baby steps but of course its driving me insane with worry inside! The eating problem alone is enough to send me over the edge. I dont even know what anaphylaxis really is, never experienced an allergic reaction nearly severe and im convinced ill die from it just because my globus hystericus is SOOO BAD all the time. My throat and mind play such amazing tricks on me unfortunately.

You all are wonderful for your replies, and i wish the best for you all.