View Full Version : not sure

04-09-06, 21:34
i'm wondering if I may suffer from panic attacks. I don't feel totally overwhelmed by panic, but if i'm in a new social situation or stressful situation I start to shake, but i don't realise i'm nervous or shaking until i look down and physically see myself shaking, I don't know if this is normal and happens to everyone or just certain people.

I'm normally confident, i think my self esteem is average, but i do always think of the worst possible outcomes in situations, and find it hard to socially interact with a group of new people.

if anyone could help me I would be really greatful

05-09-06, 01:25
It is what I would define " nerves " if you know what I mean rather then panic... believe me when its panic you feel completely out of control, you sweat, there are hundreds of thoughts running around in your head....you feel that something is about to strike you down! Your whole body trembles as if a little electric shock just hit you...xx

" The solution to a problem is right through it..."

05-09-06, 15:53

Sounds like general anxiety. Try not to let it worry you (on top of everything else!) it's very common.

Take care


05-09-06, 17:10
* but i do always think of the worst possible outcomes in situations*

Energy folows thought.

Think worst outcome and your body will start to get prepared for it , hence the shaking etc.
Bit of CBT for social phobia may help or a few good chats with friends and some self help exposure therapy learning to change those thoughts


proactiveness, positivity, persistence, perseverance and practice = progress