View Full Version : bladder feels full when its empty

07-02-13, 10:02
Ok this is bothering me, probably more so than I should be worried but I just been to the toilet and my bladder is empty but when I push on it above my pubic bone it feels like something is in there. Its kind of like a soreish feeling. I do struggle with cystitis at times but I have no pain or stinging after going and during.

It kind of just makes me feel uncomfortable like I can feel it a little when I move around.

Anyone else get this?

07-02-13, 14:00
i had this , lasted a few days then disappeared , not had it again fngers crossed

07-02-13, 20:43
Thanks yeah I know I get it when I have cystitis and infections cause I can feel my whole bladder and its sore and every time I moved. I had it milder though last night, it seems to be alright but I feel like I really need to go like I have to literally cross my legs and hold on as if it wants to come out bad and its not really full either. I do take oxybutynin which should help stop that from happening.