View Full Version : Weak jelly legs :(

California Girl
07-02-13, 10:55
I have been feeling really anxious the pat few days and my legs feel so weak and like jelly, it's so horrid. I have it as soon as I wake up in the Morning. Does anyone else have ths?

07-02-13, 11:01
Yes Summer, I had never suffered with anxiety until last August and it all started with weak jelly legs and not being able to rest so I do understand, it is horrible, I did not know at the time what it was as I had a bowel infection and everyone put it down to that but it wasn't, eventually it got so bad I ended up in A and E where they diagnosed anxiety and gave me diazapan until I saw my GP and started on some medication, it did take a while for it to go and I had better days and bad days but that jelly feeling has gone now.

California Girl
07-02-13, 11:03
Thanks Janine :-) it's a horrid feeling isnt it? I have it now, I'm trying to distract myself from it but it won't go away xxx

07-02-13, 12:58
It is horrible, i found the only help was to walk around but knew as soon as i was still i would feel even worse, have you any diazapan as that helped when they were really bad.


07-02-13, 13:19
Jelly legs - I know that feeling well. Sometimes it feels like I can't walk downstairs because of it but of course I can! Some of these feelings are awful and I'm constantly amazed how many people are suffering in one way or another. One one hand it makes me happy to think I'm not alone or going mad but on the other I feel bad that so many people have this as I wouldn't wish it on anyone.

Keep walking girl!
