View Full Version : Hello. I'm Elaine, new today

07-02-13, 12:30
Hi I was a lurker some years ago and now I'm back. My story is a little long but I'll try to keep it as brief as I can.

Back in 2001 I developed problems with balance, the main symptom of this is severe dizzy spells. I was referred to a specialist Balance Centre, by which time, I think, I had developed agoraphobia as I never went out alone. I mentioned it to my consultant and he said when the balance symptoms went the agoraphobia would too which, by and large it did.

In 2002 I lost my full-time job due to not being able to actually get to work let alone perform when I got there and I was unemployed until 2010 when I got a temporary job with the NHS. In 2011, due to budget cuts, my contract was terminated and I've been unemployed ever since. I don't deal very well with unemployment and find dealing with the Job Centre and my work programme provider (A4E) incredibly stressful but I was just about coping.

Last Friday I was at my voluntary work when the dreaded dizzy spell came over me again. I managed to get home and and eventually they stopped. I tried to carry on as normal over the weekend. However on Friday I had the worst period of dizziness that I have ever had. I spent around five hours laying on the floor while everything around me spun. I couldn't even move my head let alone stand up. So off I trot to my GP on Tuesday and he diagnosed an inner ear infection and gave me tablets to help with the dizziness. He said that hopefully we have caught it earlier enough and it won't develop like it did last time.

However this has now made me terrified. If the dizziness doesn't go I'm back on Employment Support Allowance which I absolutely dread. I don't think I can cope with the medicals any more (even though during the last period I passed all except one which I won on appeal) as you seem to have to be nearly dead before they will pay sickness benefits these days.

I am 46 years old and live on my own. My mum has been brilliant but she is in her 70s and I don't like to put on her too much. I do have siblings but they all have their own lives and don't seem interested in my problems. This is another think that panics me. My mum is old and isn't going to be around for ever - how am I going to cope then (although I have coped on my own for a number of years now). I know this makes me sound pathetic but that's how I feel and I can't help it.

I've just forced myself to go out for a little walk (having not been out of the house since Tuesday) and I realise that I am probably blowing this out of all proportion but hey, that is the nature of the beast.

So there it is - my story. I hope I haven't bored you to death!

07-02-13, 12:36
Hi :welcome:

07-02-13, 12:40
Hi Elaine128

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

07-02-13, 13:12
Hello Elaine

Did the walk make you feel any better? I sometimes find that it does.

I didn't think you are blowing anything out of proportion. When it's happening to you it's very hard to accept.

I have had some issues with dizziness but sounds like you have it much worse and I can well understand why you are so frightened. Even a minor spin knocks my duck off. Hopefully the tablets will help you and you'll start to feel better about going out.

I've just forced myself to go to the supermarket. Felt a bit wobbly but I made it. There wouldn't have been any chance of me doing that yesterday.

Like you I've been a lurker! I do find that it helps to e-chat with others in the same boat so hopefully it will help you too.

All the best


07-02-13, 13:48
Thanks for the lovely welcome. I've realised, reading some of the posts, that I only have mild symptoms so I suppose in that way I'm lucky!

Sal - Yes it does make me feel a bit better going out. I think being in all the time often makes me feel worse but the thing that worries me is if I have a major dizzy attack while out and I'm left laying the pavement!

I've got to sign on on Monday so will have to go into town on the bus. Fingers crossed that I can make it and I hate supermarkets. The produce neatly lined up makes my eyes go funny and the lights are always way too bright but perhaps that's just me.

Vanilla Sky
07-02-13, 14:15
Hi Elaine , Welcome to NMP :welcome:

07-02-13, 14:37
Hi Elaine,:) Welcome xx

07-02-13, 14:39
Supermarkets are a problem for lots of people. Strange isn't it.

Buses can be another trial. I find listening to my iPod helps and also reading though I know that reading on transport is not something everyone can do.

Good luck with Monday and let us know how you get on.

Sal x

California Girl
07-02-13, 14:49
Hi & welcome :-) good luck Monday xxx

07-02-13, 18:46
Hi Elaine
I am new too. Just sending you hugs! :hugs:

07-02-13, 20:28
Hi Elaine , youre not alone with this I have dizzy spells too just recently and get a lot of support from my parents and im scared of losing them too. I just remember all they have done for me and advice they gave when there not with me it helps me feel like there with me supporting me
I hope you get a lot of help off here im new too but there's many nice people willing to help. :welcome:

08-02-13, 09:56
Hi Elaine

I am also new. Having been unwell since the begining of the year I also struggle to go out. Just try to take a walk everyday. Do you have any hobbies?

Take Care.


12-02-13, 09:26
I was having a good day yesterday and made it to the job centre. I then felt OK and went to pick up my new glasses and was determined to keep it up but today I woke up feeling awful.