View Full Version : here we go again

07-02-13, 17:26
Thought I was doing well no depression for 7 months now but last night my husband came to see us and he was rubbing it in about his brothers stag weekend in devon and a curry night sat with his work mates and I feel like what have I got in life I don't go out have no freinds and feel so depressed now just hope I can pull myself out of this

08-02-13, 14:38
Sum one plz answer me

08-02-13, 15:35
Hi spuder

When you say your husband came to see us, who are the us? Is it kids? Sorry you feel you've no one. What's stopping you going out? Is it how you are feeling?

It's hard when you feel despair like that and I wish I could say something to make you feel better.

I'm sending you a hug. And don't forget you've got friends here.

Sal x

08-02-13, 17:41
Hi yes hubby came to see me my parents and my daughter what is stopping me from going out is I have no freinds to go out with I get anxious if I go to a piub on my own ppl stare and make me feel consious of myself I have no self estem I went to pick my daughjer up from schl today I don't talk to other mums they don't wanna know me I feel like I am not living but execsiting

08-02-13, 19:43
Aww, Spuder, So sorry things are not going well for you at the moment. Why don't you set up an NMP meet in your area or join an already established one. You would be with people who would understand you and hopefully make you feel comfortable.


08-02-13, 19:59
Thanks bobbydog that's a great idea how do I set a met up