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View Full Version : Meds and IVF/pregnancy

07-02-13, 18:49

I have health anxiety and occasional PA's (really bad at the mo) and have so far stayed off meds (give or take the odd 2mg diazapam) for 6 years. I took fluoxitine and propanolol for a while before then.

After 1 failed ivf, an ectopic and a miscarriage :-( we want to try again but not sure if I will be able to take meds. I know I should go to the Dr to ask... but...I'm aware that if in the future we want to adopt it wouldn't look good on my med records.. so I'd rather ask here first and later see the dr for the actual prescription once I know its possible.

Is it possible to take anti-anxiety meds whilst trying to conceive or IVF?

Space xxx

07-02-13, 19:03
Hi I was taking 150-175mg of dothiepin when I started my IVF treatment in 1997. This was at BARTS hospital. I don't remember having any anxiety medication as I was receiving hypnosis at the time. As soon as I knew I was pregnant at five weeks I withdrew from the dothiepin and I think that I was on 25mg or nothing when he was born. I was on a maintenance dose throughout the pregnancy. It must be very difficult for you as during the IVF you are actually 'pregnant' In hindsight I would not choose to take any sort of medication during the treatment. I had been very ill unfortunately was ill again after my sons birth. After his delivery he was 'floppy' and slept for forty eight hours due to the drug leaving his body. Things have moved on since then and if you are embarking on IVF it is best to talk to your GP about how you will cope with your anxiety during treatment and if successful during pregnancy. Having the treatment itself and the clinic visits will be stressful enough for you. I wish you every success. EJ