View Full Version : starting lexapro, little nervous

07-02-13, 19:51
So, two days ago I started Lexapro , well it's generic at only 5mg at the moment, and I'm starting to actually feel relief from my racing thoughts and anxiety attacks. They're not happening as often already and my thoughts aren't bothering me that much... however, since I'm new to lexapro, I'm not too familiar with it's side effects.

About an hour or so after taking the pill the first day and the 2nd day I've felt very tired and also very, not completely dizzy, but off balance. I've also felt slightly nauseated. Are these symptoms anything to worry about? Or are they pretty common? I also have a headache, but I think that's from the mass amount of tension my body has been put through these past couple days.

Also, I have my next appointment with my psych. on Monday I guess to make sure I'm alright.

07-02-13, 20:03
Hi, what you describe are probably side effects that occur during the startup phase of taking an SSRI. The nauseous feeling almost certainly is - 95% of the body's serotonin is in the gastric tract, so anything that plays around with serotonin is going to make you feel queasy. It did for me, when I started duloxetine.

Others may be able to add their experiences here. :)

07-02-13, 22:48
Hi PhillyGirl
Side effects are very normal within the first few weeks. You can feel odd, sicky etc. Do not worry as they will pass, just go with it and good luck

08-02-13, 00:30
Thank you to both of you. I appreciate it.

08-02-13, 15:40
Totally normal I'd say too and I also had hot flushing for a few days...hope Lex really helps you. xxx

09-02-13, 22:12
thank you everyone. How long did it take- estimating of course cause everyone is different- for you to feel at least back to how you were? I'm only on day 5 now and a lot is subsiding, but I still get anxiety and anxious thoughts mainly at nighttime.

09-02-13, 22:43
thank you everyone. How long did it take- estimating of course cause everyone is different- for you to feel at least back to how you were? I'm only on day 5 now and a lot is subsiding, but I still get anxiety and anxious thoughts mainly at nighttime.

Took me about 3 weeks to a month to start feeling better. I wouldn't say i was completely back to normal but i really noticed a difference by then. I am on 5 mg a day.
