View Full Version : weird sensations

07-02-13, 20:20
has anyone had itchy prickly skin i have had this since sunday it comes and goes its quite random sometimes backs of hands arms legs head stomach tends to move around also get feeling like something crawling over skin:mad:

08-02-13, 21:29
yeah I get itchy crawly skin sometimes, it might due to air conditioning or heating if you are inside a lot.

09-02-13, 19:27
This seems to be happening to loads of people I know at the moment, I think it's due to being inside more with the heating on this time of year, keeping your skin moisturised might help.

12-02-13, 22:32
Get this all the time. Mainly itchy. I used to get a burning sensation on the back of my hands. I was reading a number of threads about how good over the shelf anti histamines were at reducing anxiety. As I am not on any medication and am really against taking medicines I thought I may try benadryl. I am hoping it will also stop any strange itches.


12-02-13, 23:41
Yes I get this. Legs are worst and I've recently started with eczema behind my knees which is an absolute joy :mad: I'm probably my own worst enemy as I love warmth so the heating's always on in my house and this does lead to dry skin.

13-02-13, 09:20
I don't know if you take medication, but itching can be a side effect of some. I use anti-histamine if this happens to me.