View Full Version : Anxiety and Bladder issues?

07-02-13, 21:55
So I recently got a UTI (female), the Dr confirmed it and gave me antibiotics.
I'm a breast-feeding Mum, so I wanted to get rid of it without the drugs.
I researched the drug, freaked out, research kidney infections - pretty much made ,y life miserable for 2 weeks.
I got rid of it by myself but not the symptoms!!!
The symptom is feeling as though I can't empty!
I go pee and then 5 minutes later I have to go again - no pain.
I got a culture done as well just to make sure it was gone - the UTI.

The Dr said that if it were something that was hostile It would show blood in the test so he said it's just because i irritated my bladder and it will go back to normal.

It's been almost a month now and it's not back to normal, I can't stop thinking about peeing, it's driving me nuts, every time I pee I wait for that feeling of more coming and then go pee again.

I spoke to another DR and he said it sounds like bladder anxiety.
I will go and see a urologist if it continues but does anyone else have this?
I cant' focus on my daughter properly as I"m always worried about bladder cancer!!!

If i don't think about it I find I don't need to pee but as soon as I do I feel that horrible urge again - any help?

Thanks so much!!!

Glad I can be my honest paranoid self on this forum!

08-02-13, 07:58

Going through the same as you at the moment, always on my mind and it feels I could wee every 15 mins of the day.
