View Full Version : Funny/Embarassing but I really need an answer.

08-02-13, 03:43
Hope you all are well.

I've been trying to eat healthy lately as I starts to try different things. I drink more water, lots of fruits and healthier meals in general.

One thing I started doing was drinking warm water with lemon. I hear it's good for a bunch of things. But my mom noticed my diet change and thought it was a good idea except for the lemon tea.

When I aske why, she said it was cuz lemon water can lead to ED. I was so stupid to believe her that I googled but nothing has come up.

I don't mean this in a bad way but I know that Brits are famous for lemon tea unlike Americans and I wanted advice on if this is true. I'd really appreciate some feedback. Thanks so much! 😁

08-02-13, 04:42
I'd say your mum is way off the mark.

08-02-13, 05:33
where on earth did your mum get that idea? You sure she's not jealous of you getting healthy?
I hate plain water so often have lemon in mine : )

08-02-13, 06:07
I think your mum's pulling your leg. I can't see any logic in that at all.


08-02-13, 07:33
Thanks guys for all of your replies.

I don't know where the hell she got it from but I told her that it was ridiculous.

I love drinking Lemon with warm water not only for the benefits, but with a little brown sugar or honey, it tastes great!

Guess I'll be ignoring her and drinking my lemon water :D

08-02-13, 07:46
No idea what ED is but I know the only thing drinking lemon tea can do is make you healthier, the worst it can do is make your mouth feel a little dry if you put too much lemon in (this would only happen if you're making it naturally of course).

Lemon tea is so good for you, I wish I drank more of it!

08-02-13, 17:06
As your post said it's embarrassing then I presume ED means erectile dysfunction. If so, why is your mum telling you these things :ohmy:

There is no evidence I can find that shows that lemon has any detrimental effect. It's just complete nonsense IMHO.

08-02-13, 17:27
Well I know I'm a girl, but I too drink lemon in water (as I hate plain water) and have found it nothing but refreshing :)