View Full Version : Tonsil worries, any help?

08-02-13, 07:50
I rung my Dr yesterday to ask for some penicillin because my tonsil is swollen, he said yes, I told him I wasn't in any pain and he was really confused. He said he can't explain to me why I'm not in pain.

Of course google says that one swollen tonsil can be lymphoma and now I am scared out my witts!

I'm pretty sure about 2 months ago when I had a wisdom tooth infection my tonsil got really swollen and didn't hurt, I took anti biotics and it went away. This tonsil got swollen when my allergies caused a sore throat for me. So maybe that's caused it and now the anti biotics will help it go down again?

Good news I suppose is that everyone on google has said the tonsil will grow rapidly over a few months, this has got swollen in a week and hasn't got any bigger for like 2/3 days, so I guess it's not going to grow anymore.

What do you think?

08-02-13, 11:37
Hi Reiss, I'm going through a similar thing just now although as far as I know I've not had any infections. just after the new year I started having a constant feeling of something being trapped in my throat located around my left tonsil. That resulted in me dry swallowing a lot and I think I induced a globus sensation. Had blood tests and scan for thyroid all OK but then last couple of weeks noticed my left tonsil is enlarged. I can also see a small white mass poking out the crypt. tbh I have no idea if my left tonsil has always been larger than my right but I'm pretty sure the swelling is what's caused the feeling of something caught in my throat. Like you I don't feel any pain, except sometimes when I think my ear is aching a little, but I do wake up every morning with discomfort in the tonsil area.

I went to see my Dr this morning and he said he's not concerned about the size of my tonsil and it doesn't look infected but he will refer me to an ENT specialist anyway. I don't know whether to feel comforted but I suggest you do the same and get an ENT referral at least to put your mind at rest. I too have consulted Dr Google and freaked myself out about lymphoma. I suggest you stop googling and I will too :) lymphoma is very rare and I think we'd have other symptoms if it were the case. in my case I'm thinking some deeply embedded tonsil stones might be the culprit so I'm off to boots to get a dental mirror and possibly a waterpik to see if I can dislodge the pesky things. try to think of less serious reasons for your tonsil being enlarged, don't obsess but do get it checked.