View Full Version : Contractor in the house - unexpected events!

08-02-13, 09:54
As I posted the other day, I booked a company to come out and clean our oven this morning, but get anxious about having people in the house that I can't ask to leave at my convenience.

Well their technician chap arrived as agreed this morning (in fact, he was early) and soon got on with the job at hand while I tried to occupy myself in the living room (with the connecting doors shut so I felt 'safe'!).

About half an hour ago though I heard this voice call my name from the kitchen, and went through to see what he needed..... he'd only gone and cracked his head on the corner of the extractor hood, so was bleeding all over the place!! :scared15: Thankfully I'm not squeamish, and have had first aid training, so I stood him to drip over the sink with a piece of paper towel while I ran for the first aid kit!

To cut a long story short, I got him cleaned up with an antiseptic wash, stopped the bleeding and decided that he probably didn't need stitches, then made him a cup of tea and stood talking to him for a bit to make sure he didn't have any signs of concussion or anything (I didn't think he would as it was only a simple split in the skin, but as with everything it's better to be safe than sorry).

Needless to say that this wasn't the problem I was expecting to have from having a contractor in the house!! :roflmao:

He's now back cleaning the oven, and I'm back sitting in the living room trying not to panic and rather wishing I had another emergency to deal with as I felt more calm while I was dealing with his cut head!!

Oh, and my Mum cycled past whilst I was stood in the window putting pressure on the guy's forehead, so I'll have to go and explain it all to her once he's gone :roflmao:

08-02-13, 10:00
Ha! What a great story! :D
I can't imagine what your mum thought was going on!!
I suffer from social anxiety and agoraphobia and I know that when I am very distracted from my anxiety I can be really calm, just as you were.
Keep up the good work.

08-02-13, 10:40
Thanks Rain - it was such a bizarre thing to happen I think I could see the funny side straight away, even through the anxiety lol

08-02-13, 14:00
Oh Elle-Kay,
I am so sorry-- but I have got this picture of your Mum cycling past and seeing you
I had a giggle to myself. Not funny really. You did well. I hope all goes well from
now on. xx

08-02-13, 14:42
I too have had a really good laugh at the scene of your Mum cycling past and seeing you :roflmao: At least it took your mind off your anxiety :D

08-02-13, 14:50
and i thought you were a lady Elle :ohmy:

08-02-13, 15:58
Well done for coping so well. I have builders and electricians in the house now. I feel that I know the builders but the electricians I do not know. The other day I wanted them to all go home! It seems to be getting easier as the project goes on. I really feel for you. At least I can escape at work all day.! EJ

08-02-13, 16:55
I had a similar thing towards the end of last year - contractor was laying a laminate floor through my house and managed to completely cut off a nice slice from the top of his index finger...!..much blood and a shakey contractor for a while!

I was in a similar anxious state before they arrived (people in my house - AGGH) but the distraction completely took away the anxiety, as distraction does...what a thing our brains are !...:yesyes:

08-02-13, 19:31
Well your post made me laugh Elle-Kay.... Especially since there was a really good pun in it......... "To cut a long story short" !

08-02-13, 19:33
Well your post made me laugh Elle-Kay.... Especially since there was a really good pun in it......... "To cut a long story short" !


09-02-13, 15:30
Well your post made me laugh Elle-Kay.... Especially since there was a really good pun in it......... "To cut a long story short" !

I try my best ;)